As I stood there, I took the assignment that was kept on the table, tore it into pieces, and threw it right in my teacher's face.
"YOU MANNERLESS BIT--" she cursed me badly, but can anyone expect that the QUEEN OF COLDNESS will tolerate all this silently?
I cut off her words by pointing a gun at her head.
"One more word and YOUR BRAIN will be out of your skull," I warned her. "But I doubt if you have a brain in that shitty head of yours," I added, laughing a bit.
"Stop playing around. I know it's just a fucking toy gun," she said, gulping hard as if she saw something very dangerous for her but not for me. Well, it's not her fault—everyone is scared of things like this.
"Now I am sure that your bitchy head contains nothing other than waste material," I said. "You know, miss, I can get a good price for your brain in the organ market because your brain is unused. You wanna know why? Because if you had used your brain, you wouldn't be under my gun," I further added.
"You are crossing your limits. And what the hell do you think of yourself? And first of all, don't you know that toys are not allowed in school? Give that so-called fake gun of yours to me. I will submit it in the office, and your parents will be called to school for the disrespect you showed to me," she said, fear clearly visible in her voice. She even started shivering.
I smirked. "Oh, ohhh... Tell me one thing, miss. From where the hell do you get this much strength, even while shivering this badly? You know, miss, there should be a little bit of fear, and that's also in the heart. But that heart should not be ours; the heart should be of the one who is standing against us," I said, using some filmy Bollywood dialogues.
"I said give me that fucking toy gun of yours," she said, raising her voice.
"Don't you fucking dare to raise your voice in front of me. You wanna see what I am capable of doing?" I challenged.
"Yes, of course. What can you even do other than cry, right?" she mocked me.
"I really respect your strength, miss. You still have the power to speak against me when fear is clearly visible on your face. But my afraid teacher, who is not so cute and sweet," I said while pinching her cheeks, "this is not a fake gun." I shot at the wall. "SEE!! I told you this is not fake, and now my next target point is your head. Trust me, ma'am, I am hella good at shooting. Oh, and one more thing I forgot to tell you is that I am very gentle towards my alive targets. And I never do any discrimination—same punishment for all, whether it's children, men, or women," I said to comfort her, and of course, that was also fake, but her condition was worse than anyone could even dare to imagine.
Hearing the gunshot, everyone, including the principal, teachers, and other school staff, came running.
So, I immediately hid my gun and started showing fake concern, or you could say I started putting on a big dramatic show.
The teacher was shivering badly, leaving everyone shocked at her condition. Well, I didn't blame her—anyone would be so afraid.
"What happened to your teacher, Aurora?" the principal asked.
"Don't know, sir. I just came here to help her with some notebooks. And just as I was about to enter, I heard a gunshot. But when I entered, I saw her in this condition, and no one else was in the room other than the teacher," I tried to sound confused and concerned, just like the others. "WOW, what a great actor I am. I deserve an award for my acting," I thought.
"Hmmm... It's getting late. I think you should go back. It's not safe here, and be careful," the principal said.
"But, sir, what about miss? I cannot leave her like a careless student," I said, being fully dramatic.
"Don't worry, we will take care of everything. And don't stress yourself; your exams have started. Focus on that," the principal said, trying to convince me.
"Okay, sir, if you say so. Have a good day," I said, ready to leave.
"If you want, I can drop you as it's already late, and after this incident, it's very dangerous to be alone," the principal said, showing concern. Well, our principal is very kind.
"No, thank you, sir. I can go by myself. I think you should be with the teacher, after all, she is traumatized by the incident earlier. Good day, everyone," I said and walked towards the door.
"Hmmm... You too, Aurora," the principal said and went into deep thinking.
I smirked at the teacher for the last time and left for home. I bet she will never dare to mess with me again.
On the way to my house, I was listening to a song.
🎶 Just gonna stand there and watch me burn? Well, that's alright, because I like the way it hurts Just gonna stand there and hear me cry? Well, that's alright, because I love the way you lie I love the way you lie I love the way you lie 🎶
Suddenly, my phone started ringing. "What the hell, why can't anyone leave me alone? Such a headache this phone is," I thought.
🎶 You remember You remember my love You sold your soul for You sold your soul for that drug Still hooking over Still hooking over and die Our love is burnt Our love is burnt in the sun 🎶
"I think I don't have any other choice other than picking it up. Let's see who it is," I said, taking out my phone from my pocket and picking it up.
"Hello... Would you mind leaving me alone?"