Chapter 84: Vision

|Catharina von Xenotra - Heiress of Baron Xenotra|

It has been seven days since we marched from Shadowfall City, and we should arrive in a few more minutes. The journey is a quiet one. After talking with Lord Verqur in the past, he left me alone and did not seek me.

I'm still standing by what I said in the past. I will stand with the Southerners; it gets stronger as I look at their land as we get past them. The Southern territory had so much potential that it is a wonder why it did not become the powerhouse of the entire kingdom.

The land is fertile as I can see a large farmland full of vegetables, rice, wheat, and even fruits growing from the ground. There are also mountain formations that surround the Southern territory.

I don't know if those mountains have anything in them, but I'm willing to bet that it was full of precious metal. Those mountains must have gold, iron, copper, silver, or even diamond.