Just a 'small' time skip

A/N: I cannot write 11 years, as that makes it kind of harder to get to the first movie. I will just say that Anaeth went into a deep sleep.

(3rd POV; 11 years later)

Anaeth was sleeping in a cave that is hidden on the island, far away from the village. She had deduced that it would be better if she were to sleep until canon started, and if her calculations were correct, that would be tonight. It was still day, so she had time until night started. But Anaeth chose to wake up during the day so that she would become used to her new body size and practice flying again.

*dragon yawn*

(Anaeth pov)

'Uaaagh, that was a nice multi-year sleep. Wonder how my body is fed with such a long sleep?' I slowly stand up and adjust to my new height, about three times my previous size when I was conscious.

I look at the vast sea beyond Berk, wondering what the other lands are like. Are there other dragons in the world? How different in shapes and sizes may they be? I stop my daydreaming, stepping out of the cave to see the two Viking statues in the water. Looking over to where Berk has arisen to a new size. Years of battling dragons made them adapt and create new defenses to combat the almost every night assault from dragons, and with those new defenses, the death rate dropped. But that is a theory I came up with.

A movie theory.

(I'm sorry but also not sorry for that MatPat joke.)

Anyways, I glance at my favorite spot on the mountain behind Berk and see it has been built over and is not usable anymore. What a shame. I slowly flap my wings, building up force as my beautiful wings create a small golden sparkle in the air. My liftoff is successful, now onto my flying skills.

I tilt my tail upwards and tip my head forward, making it so that gravity will pull me down but with my wings create momentum so that the force is directed forward, all of this is done in a couple of seconds, as this has been ingrained into my muscle memory. As I make my way toward Berk, I see the cool-looking fire towers, a great invention truly.

I coat myself with light dust, making me invisible. I fly over to Hiccup and Stoick's house and see Hiccup through one of the windows. He seems to be creating some new capturing weapons, possibly to get more dragons into the arena, but he still has that "kill as few dragons as possible", naive but worked out.

I tap the glass and let my eyes become visible. He looks at the window and jumps a bit when he sees me, but relaxes after a few seconds when looking at my eyes. He walks over to the window and opens it, quietly beckoning me to come in. "What are you doing here? I thought you left Berk all those years ago," he looks at me as I reveal my full body, being taller than him on four legs. "Oh by Thor's name you are tall."

I did a funny grin with my teeth unsheathed, making him take a step back. I step forward toward him and in response, he backs away. I continue to back him to a wall until he could not back away. I stop grinning and l sit in front of him, raising my paw I touch his nose with the base of my paw, closing my eyes I begin breathing deeply, feeling his breathing calm down.

I pretty much recreated the Toothless scene but reversed.

"Hiccup! Could you come and help me with carrying some things? You could use some muscle on that body of yours." I ignore Stoick but hear his steps coming up the stairs.

"Hiccup, are you in those little designs again? I have told you multiple times that we can not capture every dra–" He is cut off as he sees me holding my paw against Hiccup's nose, and as I look at him for only a second I then make my escape through the window.