Toothless finds Anaeth beautiful

As the days rolled by, Toothless became more used to Hiccup as he visited him numerous times to test the prosthetic. There was also this other dragon that has been watching him. She was gorgeous, she looked at him with those warm eyes and moved like the water in a calm river, he wanted to meet her as a whole but could only get a few glimpses.

Anaeth had been watching him and playing a few harmless hide-and-seek games to have fun while making Toothless very confused. She was planning on revealing herself fully to Toothless so that he won't be desperate to see her full form.

(Anaeth pov)

As I was laying down on a boulder next to the small lake that Toothless lives near, I could see how Hiccup was struggling to find the issue in the fin's deployment when flying. I have already noticed the problem, but I want Hiccup to find it himself so that he'll be more experienced in finding mistakes in his builds. Toothless meanwhile was looking at my eyes that I had revealed, his stare was filled with want and love. 'I guess he was so deprived of female Night Fury he falls in love with the first one he sees, that being me.' I looked back at him and see him fidget around in nervousness. 'Heh, he's cute when nervous, makes him cuter.'

I reveal a small part of my head and look at him, he became more fidgety and started to sway his tail around. "Toothless! Could you stay still so that I can see where the issue is?" Hiccup complained while trying to hold Toothless' tail in place. When Toothless looked back at Hiccup I jumped down the boulder and quietly make my way toward Toothless.

(Toothless pov)

I looked at the human that was helping with fixing my tail. He was small but very helpful. There was this one other of my kind, but she seemed to be different, more intelligent.

I saw her as a possible mate, but she always toyed with me like a small child. I knew that she knew my thoughts about her and made me frustrated about her tricks, but she ultimately let me see her once in a while. But it was always the eyes, but now she had shown more of herself, which made me see her as more gorgeous.

I turned back toward the rock where she would have been sitting, but the first thing I saw was those blue and green eyes.


'She is in front of me!' I jumped back and pushed the human down, making him yelp in surprise.

(3rd pov)

As Toothless calmed down and took a more relaxed seating position, he noticed that Anaeth was showing her whole head. The shining gold around her eyes, the diamondoid mark on her forehead, and the golden lines on the ears. It made her seem so exotic and breathtaking.

"Toothless why did you jump out of nowhe-" he stopped speaking when he noticed the staring contest between Anaeth and Toothless.

They were looking at each other, and while Toothless didn't realize Anaeth reveal more of her body to the light of the world, he did see her look over him multiple times, from his tail to his wings, up to his eyes. And when she finally moved did Toothless notice her wings and the scaly feathers. She moved closer to him, staying low, and walked right in front of him.

*dragon purr*

She leaned on him and started doing dragon purrs, which made Toothless stiff and stay still. Hiccup noticed this and smiled, happy that his friend got a girlfriend of his own. As Anaeth was purring into Toothless she noticed a small batch of blond hair, she looked towards it which made Toothless look down at her and then see what she has been looking at.

Astrid ducked back down and thought about what she had been seeing, Hiccup helping a Night Fury, the Night Fury being in love with the trickster dragon, and the trickster dragon accepting Toothless' love.