A Lovely Flight

Hiccup had made a seat for Anaeth so that Astrid could sit comfortably. She did not refuse but warned Astrid to not control her flying too much, she got the message across by refusing to turn when Astrid wanted to.

"Alright, lower your body so that it will be easier to turn, there are some other smaller wing and tail movements as well but that should help the most." Hiccup was teaching Astrid the basics of flying a dragon, a dragon that is a Night Fury.

"Okay, so I lean my body left or right to show where I want to turn, pull the handles up to go up, same for down. Lowering makes it easier to fly straight and turn, that should be it right Hiccup?" Astrid went over the movements while Anaeth stood there completely still, waiting for when they will start flying.

"Yes, that is the basics. I will check over everything once and then we will begin flying."

(Anaeth pov)

I was looking at Toothless, now mutually my darling as I would call him. He was so cute with those big eyes and the confused faces he would make. Hiccup was ready to take off to the sky, So I readied myself to follow the lead.

"Let's go, buddy." I hear, making me smile at Hiccup and Toothless' friendship.

As soon as darling jumped into the air I followed suit, gaining speed even when going vertical. The orange-tinted clouds wash over me, as we get higher and higher.

We break through the clouds and come upon a breathtaking sunset, the orange glow of the sun on the horizon reflecting off the ocean, making clouds look like cotton candy, this whole scene was quiet with a tinge of love in the air. I looked at Toothless as he had been staring at me for a while.

We drift closer to each other unconsciously, as my nose hits his a spark went through my body as I became a little numb. I had to steady myself to not fall down to the ocean below us. "Seems like Toothless got a girl for him," Astrid commented on my back. That made Hiccup visibly flinch.

I growled a bit to my darling, conveying my want to help Hiccup. He responded with his own agreement by throwing Hiccup on his head and motioning me to do the same. As Astrid steadied herself I and Toothless went closer to each other. This action made Hiccup and Astrid hold onto each other to not fall.

"Toothless what are you doing!?" Hiccup screamed out.

Astrid already knew what was going on and smiled a bit at me and Toothless, this made me chuckle like a dragon. She leaned forward and grabbed Hiccup's head with both of her hands and turned him towards her. "Astrid? What are you-?" Hiccup was interrupted as she kissed him. This continued for a few seconds until they separated and Hiccup looked like he took some LSD.

(Don't do drugs, I have not taken but do not even when dared to.)