
Chapter 33

"Thanksgiving is on Thursday," Ranold said as we approached the university entrance.

I wasn't sure if I could get out of the car because he didn't turn off the engine. And he took advantage of the situation by placing his hand on my lap and lightly patting it. I was surprised he needed it after spending the night with me the night before.

"Go see your mother and sister today and invite them to our new home," he suggested.

I turned to face him. I couldn't believe my ears and all I could say was just "okay". Then he kissed me on the cheek, which was also strange. He had never kissed my cheek before.

"You'll be late for classes," he hinted, and I dashed from the car, remembering about my university studies.

'I'm always like this after we spend some time together. I was staring at him as if I had never seen him before. Doing stupid things like looking at him when my mind tells me to run as fast as I can. Or while he is kissing, patting, or caressing me. I always give him the upper hand!' In my head, I was arguing with myself. I didn't like Ranold Hamilton at all, and I just wanted him out of my life so I could be a normal 19-year-old guy.

But I knew it couldn't happen. That is not the case with Ranold Hamilton. I had no choice but to wait and gradually, step by step, try to find something he was weak at. Nothing came to mind at the moment. The exam was quickly approaching, and I had a lot of homework to complete. Nilan came to see us less frequently than before. The third-year students had a lot on their plates, including various projects and social events. So we spent the majority of the days at the end of November with Ethan. That made me happy in some way. I liked how lighthearted Ethan was. We were laughing at funny internet videos. In the cafes, we ate a variety of foods. And we were just going about our daily lives together. And, yes, we talked about some guys. I couldn't say much because of my "beloved," so I let Ethan believe that my private life was either mysterious or as empty as the fridge after New Year's celebrations.

I got on the bus and went home after my classes that day. I'm talking about my true home, where my heart belonged. Not Ranold Hamilton's. As we approached the long-awaited street, the road became more familiar. As I saw some familiar places, things, and faces, my inner senses became increasingly delighted. Everything changed after Ranold Hamilton entered my life. I was no longer living with my parents, nor was I living a quiet life, though last month was relatively calm. Since October 31st, no one has been killed or injured, so I was... pleased? Maybe.

"Olivier?" I heard the familiar voice just as I was about to enter the yard.

"Susan," I said, and a wave of relief washed over me.

"You've finally come home," she almost whispered as she let me in. "Come in; mum is at work, so I'm the only one who can assist you. I hope you can handle my company."

I smiled at her as she giggled. The house smelled really good. I sucked the air with my nose to catch a whiff of all the familiar scents. Even though my father and sister were no longer present, I could still smell their light scents. "Tea or something specific, like pasta?" My sister dashed down the stairs and into the kitchen.

I settled on pasta. To be honest, I was starving after university and needed to eat something. Susan told me about various events from school, which made me nostalgic for good times. My graduation turned out to be the day I married Ranold Hamilton. It had been nearly six months since I first saw him. And it had been almost half a year since my sister and father had gone missing. Sometimes you want to wake up in the morning, eat your favorite egg toast, and live your youth happily and without regrets. But, just when you think everything is fine, something happens. And I'm not referring to Ranold Hamilton.


"Are you okay, honey?" My mother asked late in the evening, as I stood on the threshold of my parents' home.

"Mum," I called out as I noticed the black jeep waiting for me. "How could I possibly be happy while married to Ranold Hamilton? I'm not okay. But, you know, it doesn't bother anyone there."

"It bothers me," my mother gently hugged me around the shoulders. "You're no longer the child I remember. Whether you like it or not, Ranold Hamilton is an independent person, and you are becoming more and more like him."

"Mom, I don't want to be anything like him," I sobbed, wrapping my arms around her even tighter. "I'm terrified. I want to get away from him and go home."

"Wait a little longer, honey; I'm sure we'll find a solution soon. Don't let your guard down," she looked into my eyes, gently stroking my cheek, and whispered. "I'm sorry you have to go through all of this. Please, just a little bit more, and I swear we'll have this moron by the balls."

"Mum," I chuckled.

"Go, or he'll be mad, and we won't be able to come to see you," she said, nodding to my husband, who stood next to the open car door.

"Goodbye, mom."


I stepped onto the path and approached the car. Ranold was keeping a close eye on me, and I felt a light shiver on my back as I tried to act normally. After I sat, he looked at my mother and then sighed, sitting next to me.

"Let's go," he said, and the driver began the engine.

I was rubbing my hands together, recalling our wedding day. I was also nervous at that moment. I fixed my gaze on the driver's seat. It appeared to be the same car we had on our wedding day. Outside the window, I noticed the same scene. It didn't surprise me. At the very least, we had to cross the bridge to get home. Did Juliette have the same thoughts? Was that why she ran away? A lot of questions came to my mind, while we were crossing the bridge late in the evening.

"Olivier," my husband said suddenly. "Calm down. We've been married for almost six months. You don't need to be so worried."

I let out a breath. He was right. The wedding, marriage, gunfire, kidnapping, injury, and even rape were all the worst things that could have happened to me. The day I married Ranold Hamilton marked the end of my peaceful life. That night, he left me alone at home again. I was relieved that he didn't do anything to me other than hug (very tight and gentle hugging) and kiss. The following day was Thanksgiving. I had no classes that day, so I awoke late in my big bed by myself. The weather was lovely. I took out my phone and spent some time scrolling through Twitter and watching TikTok. It was a lovely morning. Ethan texted me some greetings, and my sister texted me a picture of a raw chicken on the table. I replied with a smile that I wouldn't need to cook a great dinner. Then I received another message from my husband. I quickly sat on the bed, looking at the door, after reading it.

There was nothing to be afraid of, only... He just sent me a picture of our fridge, which was stuffed with various foods. And his request was as straightforward as day. "I'm hoping you can make a delicious dinner so we can spend Thanksgiving together. I'll also invite Jane, so do your best. She's even pickier about food than I am. If you require assistance, please feel free to contact Bethany."

I swear I was about to throw that phone off the balcony. What authority does he have to command me?! Well, actually, he has, because he is my husband, but this is just a formality. And we both knew it. So, why did he try to do something like that? I sat back down on the bed. I didn't want to do anything for him at first. But then I remembered that my family was also coming. Jane was also planning to attend tonight. I wanted to thank her for allowing me to stay in her home after I managed to escape Ranold. Fucking Ranold Hamilton. He always knew how to ask me in such a way that I couldn't refuse. Perhaps he was sitting somewhere in his car, smiling deviously.

I walked downstairs. Bethany had already arrived. I greeted her and went to the fridge. Inside, there was a lot of food. I took a look around and nodded slightly before closing the door.

"Need some help?"

"Oh my goodness! Bethany!" I hopped, bringing my hand to my chest as I felt my heartbeat quicken. "Please don't scare me like that."

She didn't respond, only pushed me and began wiping the fridge door.

"You don't have to do it, Bethany. I'll prepare the meal," I said, and she came to a halt, staring at me. "OK, please assist me with the cooking."

I just didn't want her to look at me as if she needed something from me. So we started cooking. It appeared to be quite simple with her assistance. We cooked a lot and spent a lot of time doing it. There was a huge turkey that we cut into edible pieces and baked, as well as a variety of salad dressings and salads themselves. In addition, we prepared potatoes, lasagna, and grilled vegetables. There was plenty of food on the table, and it was ready to be served. I went upstairs to take a shower, leaving Bethany to deal with it.

After smelling various food scents, I was relieved to finally wash them off my body and smell clean. I intended to take a shower but ended up taking a bath. I could say that I spent my time enjoying myself. But I didn't expect my husband, holding the towel on his hips in front of the closet, to be the first thing I saw when I exited the bathroom.

"Oh, Olivier, hello," he said casually, searching the wardrobe for something, while I blushed like hell and grabbed the bathroom door handle.

"What are you doing here?" was an idiotic question, but I asked it anyway.

"It's my home, Olivier," he replied with a smirk.

"OK," I said, turning around and walking to my bed.

I begged the gods to ignore me and just leave me alone, but I knew I'd lost as soon as I felt his hot breath on my neck.

"What?" I shivered, and he drew me to himself by my waist, allowing me to feel his moist, hot chest with my scapulas.

"You did an excellent job. I saw the table. It's packed with various dishes," he kissed me right behind my ear.

"Mhm," I murmured quietly as I grabbed his arm, my entire body weakening.

"Olivier," he said slowly, in a low voice, savoring each letter.

"Mm?" I responded in the same tone.

"Can we make it until the guests arrive?" His words jolted me awake from my sweet dream, and I grabbed his hand.

"N-no!" I tried to stop him, but my towel had already fallen to the floor, and we were both naked and standing too close to each other.