Future Plans and the Interplanetary airport and Trade center

I pushed a plate of tofu over to Jenny. Right after I had woken up, Sazzy had already finished up the remaining food and washed the dishes. At that time she put forward the idea of visiting Jenny's family with some tofu as thanks for allowing us to use their family recipe for the livestream.

And so after calling Jenny to inform them of our visit, we had prepared some tofu. More accurately, I prepared the tofu while Sazzy was searching online for something. She had quite a serious expression so I didn't ask her what she was looking for, but when I accidentally stole a glance at the screen, it seemed to be a page with a lot of numbers and graphs. Maybe the Jolt.kek analytics page for our channel?

And while I was packing the tofu into containers, Sazzy had mentioned that after our visit we can ask for directions to the interplanetary airport and trading center. Even though this planet was so rural that there wasn't even an official planet map online, the interplanetary airport and trading center should still be quite developed since it was stated in the intergalactical law that every planet is required to have one that is up to code, and that the officials in-charge of that sector of planets faced a huge fine and even jail time if they do not pass the annual checks. This punishment would be added on for each planet that fails the check.

When Sazzy had told me that, she had even stated several news stories of officials who had tried to bribe and bypass that law, and failed. She said that the intergalactic council, who oversaw and decided the intergalactic law, were very strict on communication and transportation among planets. Since if a planet loses those two abilities, it would become extremely vulnerable to criminals and all sorts of illegal activities.

There were of course exceptions to this rule, but they only applied to a number of special planets who were either overrun with dangerous parasites, ruled by a species that was not considered intelligent according to the authority of species classification and intelligence (ASCI), or had other extreme conditions that meant the buildings must be built specifically for that planet. In those cases, the official in charge of that planet would be in charge of the interplanetary airport and trading center and the checks would be biannual instead.

[We should pay attention to this. Since we started off with poisonous foods, our branding is already tied to extreme cuisines, so we might need to go to these planets in the future. There are all sorts of special pre-requisites for being able to even step foot onto these planets, so we must prepare for that. ]

However after saying that, Sazzy got distracted by the smell of tofu and forced me to give her one before we headed over to Jenny's house. Together with Jenny, Margret and Jack's portions, I had also made portions for all those who took part in our interview.

We spent the afternoon handing out boxes of tofu to them. Before we headed over, Sazzy had told me that since she was a system, she was not visible to anyone other than transmigrators, so she had offered to wait outside the village and wait for me to be done. I had told her that it was fine for her to follow, and that if I ever had to ask her for something, I would remember to text her instead. Giving a small smile, she sighed as if helpless and followed after me.

Jenny took a spoon and scooped one mouthful of tofu up. When she tasted it, her face scrunched up into thoughtfulness as she put the spoon down.

"Taste's kind of bland."

Silently, Margret had reached out to bring over some salt as well as mashed red berries.

"Of course it tastes bland my dear. We eat very sweet dishes all the time, so we are used to dishes with strong tastes. Those from outside our planet usually like things that have less flavor."

Hearing that, Jack spread some mashed red berries on one side of the tofu, and sprinkled some salt on the other side.

"Here, try it like this."

Scooping another scoop, Jenny had a much better expression this time as she ate the tofu.


Laughing, I sent over a message with the recipe for tofu to Margret.

"Is it alright for you to give over your new recipe like this?"

"It's fine! Take it as a thank you for sharing your family specialty Red wood clam recipe with us! It's really delicious! Besides, wasn't it you who said that more chefs mean more food to share! I feel that that can refer to recipes too!"

Smiling, Margret said thanks as she sent another recipe in reply to mine.

After eating our fill, we asked for directions.

Taking out a digital map, Jack projected it onto the table and drew the route for us while pointing out notable landmarks. He even drew for us a rough map of the interior of the building.

"The Interplanetary airport and Trade center is such a mouthful to say, so most people on this planet refer to it as the AT center. If you ever get lost, there are several tribes among these places who can help guide you back to the main road. If they ask who you are, you can introduce yourself as friends of Jack from the Ursula Tribe. They should recognize the tribe name and help you out."

Sending the map over to us, the family of three bade us farewell and safe travels as we headed to a place away from their line of sight. They had offered us a ride, but Sazzy had texted me that she had already prepared a vehicle for us, so I declined them.

Once a good couple of meters away from their village, Sazzy pulled a little key shaped object out of her pocket and pressed its red button. Immediately, the key started glowing red and a vehicle started to digitize in front of us.

[I bought this for us since we would eventually have to travel to the AT center. Never had the chance to bring it out since you were so focused on practicing for the livestream or on cooking. Don't worry about the cost, I properly filed it under business expenses.]

Hopping into the front seat, I took the wheel as Sazzy referred to the map and guided us.

[Turn left here, then right there, pass that weird large rock and then straight until that big tree. Once we reach the AT center and park the car, we should first visit the local stores set up by the natives, then heading in, we should go to the international section. The less perishable Jasmine milk aside, we haven't used many international ingredients or cooked that many mainstream dishes yet! Maybe we could use the eggs or the vegetables!. I'm pretty sure if we buy a couple more ingredients we can make that dish resembling an omelet!]

Putting the map to one side, Sazzy pulled out another window and searched up the recipe for omelets as well as pictures of the ingredients. In my original world, the normal recipe would only contain eggs and rice. But searching the internet, I couldn't find a substitute for rice in this world. Maybe there was a substitute for rice, but it was hidden behind the prejudice against some ethnic groups.

The Vine noodles are a good example of this. When searching chick.kek, I couldn't find any substitute for noodles. Since they were present in so many cultures in my original world, the fact that there wasn't any noodle substitute was quite shocking. Then when I was preparing for the first stream, and Margret taught me the recipe for Vine noodles, it gave me hope that maybe a rice substitute did exist.

Omelet rice, fried rice, biryani, there were so many dishes involving rice that could possibly be recreated in this world. And since tofu had been recreated already, and noodles did exist, if there was a less deadly way to make noodles, I could make spicy noodles with stir fry tofu, Mapo tofu, steamed tofu. The list would be never-ending!

I had a steamer ordered the moment that I realized that what I created was tofu. When I fried the tofu, it tasted quite similar to the fried tofu in my original world, so maybe steamed tofu would taste the same.

Imagining the food combinations that could be made, I could feel my stomach start to rumble even though we just ate.

Upon hearing the noise, Sazzy shot me a look and a smile.

[Maybe we should head to the local cafes first before we go shopping.]

"...Maybe we should."