Chef of Poison

On the ride home, Sazzy was unusually quiet. And of course she would be, since I had dropped quite a heavy topic on her so suddenly. Feeling the weight of the bracelet on my skin, I parked the car beside our house and got off.

I guess it wasn't the right time to talk about my brother.

"Sorry for the heavy topic. You can forget I ever said anything."

Closing the car door, I quickly walked into the house before Sazzy could catch up with me. Instead of entering my room, I entered the one next to it. My brother's room. Inside it, although its owner had not yet arrived in this world, it was already furnished. With his favorite colors, and the familiar layout from my previous world. There was obviously more care put into this one room than the entire house. The only thing that was missing was the presence of the sweet little boy whose smile would light up the room.

If I opened the closet, there would be at least 10 sets of clothes in his size. In his drawers were the type of toys he loved to play. Everything was in its place. Everything but him.

Sitting on his bed, I immersed myself in the illusion that my lonely mind had created. The cheerful boy would first enter the room, then his face would fill with part joy and part surprise. Then he would first check out the toys in his drawer, using his fingers to trace their outlines as if to burn them into his memory. Then after the toys would be his table. If this was not such a technologically advanced world there would be a bookshelf filled with his favorite fiction books. Books about superheroes right next to national geographic magazines with his beloved animals. But since he would also have a personal terminal, I could just forward the collection that I had already compiled from the internet.

Then he would smile at me, lighten up my world, and give me a hug so warm it would torch all the darkness inside me. Everything would have meaning if he was here. Without him, the world should not deserve to exist.

Caught up in the ever darkening whirlpool of my thoughts, I felt a cold touch on my hand. Looking up, Sazzy was holding my hands, her expression hidden. Then, without warning, she leaned in for a hug.

Without speaking, the two of us stayed in the room until we both calmed down. Then, saying thanks to Sazzy, we exited while holding hands.

Stretching, I straight away headed towards the bathroom. After a quick wash up, I set up the ingredients for omelets in front of me. Red eggs, Orange juice and yellow powder. Orange juice was the sap of the orange tree, which strangely enough was not orange in color but brown. The word orange came from the fact that its sap was orange in color and edible raw. And yellow powder was just the ground up product of the yellow leaves of the same orange tree.

The first step to making an omelet is to break the red eggs into a bowl and stir it until it produces a slight red foam. Then immediately stop stirring the eggs and add a cup of orange juice, then continue to stir the mixture. Repeat these two steps until the red eggs remain orange upon stirring. Finally, add only one teaspoon of yellow powder and lightly stir the mixture. Now all we need to do is fry this mixture!

Preheat the pan first, then slowly pour the mixture in a clockwise circle from the inside out. Do not use a spatula to flatten the mixture, just tilt the pan slightly in order to even it out. Finally, once you see the omelet start to rise, use a spatula to flip it to cook the other side then serve it on a plate.

For the sauce to go with the omelet, it only required the red egg as well as some clam powder. First, break the red egg into a bowl and stir it until it gets a little foamy. Then, just add a little clam powder and stir it until you think the clam powder has mixed thoroughly with the egg. Finally, we just need to boil the mixture and then cool it with some ice so we can eat it.

Splitting the omelet into two, I put some of the blue vegetables underneath it and drew a heart with the sauce in order to complete the dish. Then pouring a cup of Jasmine milk for each of us, I placed the two set meals on the counter.

On the counter, Sazzy was looking through her personal terminal again. With one hand grabbing the milk and another grabbing the plate, she spoke without even looking me in the eye.

[By the way, you've blown up on chick.kek. Search up 'Chef of Poison' for the keyword.]

...That nickname does not sound good at all?

Pulling up my personal terminal and searching up that keyword, immediately a large amount of articles appeared. 'A new livestreamer cooks with poison! The up and rising Chef of Poison! Culture and food in one lethal dose!', 'New livestreamer from nowhere cooks with her life on the line for the sake of culture awareness! Chef of Poison will literally die for you to learn!', ''Chef of Poison! A new streamer who gives her life for you to know about food!'.

"These exaggerations are ridiculous!"

[But they do wonders for promoting us. Look, your social network account has shot up to millions of followers in just a couple of days!]

Leaning over to peer at her screen, indeed there were more than 2 million followers on my social media page.

"But still, having a nickname containing the word poison doesn't really make me happy."

[Well then we just have to stream a wider variety of food items other than just poisonous food. Over time the nickname will fade away and be replaced with another one anyway so you shouldn't mind it too much now.]

Speaking as she shoved pieces of omelet inside her mouth, she closed her personal terminal and put her empty plate in the sink.

[Anyway, we just have to relax for the next few weeks. I am currently trying to apply for an intergalactical passport for you so that we can travel to our next planet. I currently have several of these planets listed down, but I'll do some more background searching on them before we start discussing which one to go to. In the meantime, you can just stream smaller streams with a more relaxed atmosphere. It will help the viewers feel more connected to you, as well as get people to see you as something other than the 'Chef of Poison'.]

Without waiting for a response, Sazzy escaped into her room.

Eating finish my own omelet, I washed the dishes and turned on DogPot's stream once more. Listening to his noisy voice echo throughout the house, I felt my anxious heart settle just a little bit.