Chapter 8 Contract Marriage

Richard's POV

I drove into the mansion with fury . Someone in there is leaking information about me to Grand Pa and that mole is in big trouble .

I got into the house and told the head maid to assemble all the staffs in the mansion and in few minutes they were all standing before me . The maids , guards , and all of them .

I was about to start talking when my phob rang and I picked it to hear Grand Pa's voice .

"I dare you to take that step you're about to take now " He said and ended the call .

"Go back to your duty posts "I said and they all left .

The mole even told him about the action I just took , nothing get pasts me anyway .

I called Rita and told her to meet me in my room . She'll be thinking am calling her to satisfy me but it's far from that .

What was Grand Pa thinking when he ordered me to marry her , she's not as pretty as Cindy or good in satisfying me like her .

Rita knocked and I told her to come in .

"We're getting married in two weeks " I blurted

"It is one thing to be your slave but to be your wife ? that's over my dead boy "

"Then be prepared to die "

"Youre serious about this ? I can't marry you !"She shouted

"Don't raise your voice on me if you don't want me to whip your tities , do you think I want to he married to you ? You're no way close to Cindy still that man wants me to marry you and I can't defile him "I said frustratedly.

"Can I meet him ? I'll tell him none of us wants this "She said with an enthusiastic tone .

She knows nothing about that man .

"No one can make that man change his mind , not even you "

"I can't spend the rest of my life with you , it's like living in hell , why do y'all take decisions on my life like it's a toy for y'all to play with " She said and left the room but not without banging the door on my face .

Arrogant bitch ! does she think I want to marry her too if not for that old man , there's no way am agreeing to.marry her .

She can't satisfy me like Cindy not respect me like her .

*** *** ***

Rita's POV

I locked my door and cried out my heart .

It is one thing to be his sex toy but to be stuck forever with him ? I don't see a future like that for myself .

I heard a bang on my door and I opened to see Richard staring at me with an : are you stupid look

But that's none of my business .

He pushed me away and walked into the room .

"Since the both of us don't want this marriage thing , I'll send your some papers you're to sign "

"What's going to be the content of the document ?" I asked

"Nothing much, just you disappearing from my life after two years of marriage . That time will be enough for that old man then my Cindy will take her rightful position . She'll be coming back soon anyway "

"So after this two years , I'll be free like totally free ?"

I asked enthusiastically.

"Of course , or do you want to stay ?"He asked with a smirk and I shook my head .

I left the room and went to tell Rick the sad but still good news .

All I have to do is endure the marriage stuff for two years then I'll become free .

I knocked on his door and heard a come in .

He looked surprise to see me come to his room by myself .

"I have a good news and a bad news" I said and he gave me his full attention .

"The good news is that I'll be free from Richard after two years "I said and he had a broad smile on his face . He's the true definition of a friend , happy cause my freedom will make me happy .

"Thats super cool , so what's the has news ?"He asked .

"I'll be getting married to Richard and after that ....."

"Why will you marry him ?"He asked cutting me short of words .

"Cause your Grand Pa made the decision and he said he can't defile him " I said and frowned his face .

"You won't get married to Richard and I'll make sure of that " He said with a determined face .

"I wouldn't want you to engage in a fight or something like that with Richard . It's just two years and I'll be free from him "I said.

"You're not getting married to him and that's final "He said and left the room .

What's wrong with him , if the marriage is the only way I'll get my freedom then I'll do it , it's a contract marriage anyway .

My life is totally fucked up ! First I lost my celebrity fame, then I had a one night stand with a man I know nothing about , now am about getting into a contract marriage .

Why me for hell sake ?

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Richard's POV

I was smoking my cigarette when Rick barged into my room with a furious look and I needed no one to tell me the reason for his angry look . That talkative must have told him already .

"What is this am hearing ?"He asked me .

"That question should be directed to your ears "I replied and he frowned even more .

"Why do you want to get married to Rita , aren't you dating Cindy ?"He asked

"Of course , am dating Cindy and getting married to Rita "

"Why her ?"

"For a guy who is just a friend , you're being too intrusive into our personal affairs and you know am not the patient type "I said with a tone laced with warning .

"I wonder what you must have told that old man to give you his support "

"Well the old man is the one persuading me to marry her so back off already , my patience is getting thin " I said while rubbing my gun on my palms .

"You will shoot your own brother ?"He asked

"Step brother . Don't forget that "I said and that's when Rita entered the room , to see me holding a gun .

"Are you here to save your damsel in distress, huh?"I asked Rita and she glared at me .

Disrespectful bitch .

"One more glare from you and I'll fuck you right here and now "I said and she lowered her head .

"Can you lower the gun ?"She asked in a gentle voice .

"Come here "I ordered and she came towards me .

"This friend of yours is intruding into our personal affairs , tell him that if he doesn't mind his business, then we will blow out his brains " I said while placing her trembling hands on the gun .