Chapter 13 Court marriage

Richard's POV

Rita appreciated me when we got to the house but I didn't reply her . I don't know why I decided to take her out , I just felt like doing that and for the first time I saw a genuine smile and a happy expression on her face .

I wanted to tell her it suits her but there's no way She can be happy as long as she's with me , cause I love seeing her cry .I love seeing her trying to act like she can bear all my acts towards her when I know very well that deep down , she feels hurt .

I walked inside and saw Mrs Caroline then I walked past her .

"Richard "She called and I stopped .

"Don't forget to come down for dinner "She said and I resumed my walk to my room .

Few hours later, I went to Rita's room to call her .

I walked inside her room and saw her sleeping on her bed . She looked even more beautiful when sleeping and her long lashes complemented it all .

Her plump lips were staring at me , waiting for me to make a move and I was more than ready to do so .

I bent and began to kiss her .

She awoke with a surprised expression and got up from the bed .

"You taste good when you're asleep "I said and she blushed .

She blushed ????

"Dress up and come down for dinner in ten minutes"I said and left the room .

Rita's POV

I was awakened with a pressure on my lips , only to wake up and see Richard's lips on mine kissing me .

I pushed him and got up from the bed .

I didn't know why but I felt shy and when he said I taste good when asleep , I blushed .

Ugh ! silly me .

That's the effect of my sleep on me .

He left after telling me to come down for dinner , so I dressed up and came down for dinner .

I walked to the dining to see Richard , Rick , Chloe! and Mrs Caroline! .

"I don't understand why a maid should be dining with us Richie?" Mrs Caroline said

"Its Richard and she's my wife to be "He said and signalled me to sit beside him , which I did .

That gave me a little confidence and I ignore the glare from the two persons sitting at the dining .

"Let's eat " Mrs Caroline said and we began to eat .

"How long have you known Richie and "

"Richard " Richard said cutting Mrs Caroline short of words .

"Don't call me Richie again " He said and she shrugged .

"So how long have you known him ?"She asked

"Few weeks ago " She replied .

"Under what circumstances?"She asked.

"My dad obtained a huge debt from him so he used me as an exchange to pay back the debt "I replied .

"Are you happy here ?I mean with him " She asked.

"Of course , as long as am not with that beast I call my father "I replied

"You don't have to lie to escape punishment from him . My mom here can help you if you just say the truth " Rick said.

"Yeah , am happy here "I said

"You're not and you know that "He said

Geez , what the fuck is wrong with him ?even if an lying he should play along with me as my friend.

"You've interviewed my wife enough , now let her eat" Richard said and placed some meat in my plate .

Rick dropped his cutleries and left the table with a big frown .

"What's wrong Rick " Mrs Caroline asked but Rick didn't reply .

"Rita , go and check on him "She ordered and I stood up to leave when Richard dragged me and ascended the stairs .

"My wife is not who any one can boss around "He said and for the first time I felt proud of myself in the house .

"Richard , you can leave me now "I said when we were out of their sight but he didn't reply .

We got to his room and he locked the door and started kissing me .

"You made me proud "He said in the middle of the kiss .

"You did too "I said and kissed him back .

"If I go further than this , your moan will reach Rick's ears "He said and I blushed .

"I don't understand the constant blush you've been doing "He said

"I don't blush "I replied and he chuckled .

"The lawyer will be arriving today . We will sign the contract marriage papers ".He said and I nodded.

"Alright "I replied and he kissed me again , but a short one .

A maid knocked on the door and he left me to answer her .

"Barrister Martin is here, Sir" She said and left .

"Let's go" He said and left while I followed after him .

"I was delayed by a traffic jam , that's why I came later than planned "The barrister said and he nodded .

"Can I have a word with you alone , Richard ?"He asked and Richard stood up to leave with him .

He called him by his name ? then they must be close .

Few minutes later , they came in and the lawyer handed the papers for me to sign .

I read it and signed where I needed to .

The contract says : love shouldn't be expected in the marriage and after two years am to leave. There were other things there but that's my favourite line .

Richard signed too and had a small talk with the lawyer before he left .

Three days later ..

Richard and I left for the court where the marriage was supposed to take place.

Grand Pa came too and few hours later it was done .

We drove to the house after grand pa gave us his blessings .

We got to the house and saw Mrs Caroline having a talk with Rick and Chloe .

"Is it done ?"Mrs Caroline asked .

"What do you mean ?"Rick asked .

"Their court marriage took place today "Mrs Caroline said and Rick threw me a disappointed stare .It's not my fault, that's the only way for me to get my freedom , so I don't care if he hates me for it . I do care though , he's the only friend I have since I came here .