Chapter 16 Wrong bitch

Rita's POV

I waited for his reply but got none . I knew I was slowly falling for him despite his evil nature so I needed something that'll remind me am not his .

"I asked you a question Richard"I said

"Why the sudden interest in the affairs of I and my fiancee?" He asked and I shook my head.

"Nothing , just being curious "I replied and signalled him to sit then I began to dry his hair with a towel .

"Your hands are soft , I like it "He said and I smiled .

"We're looking like a real couple now "He said and I shrugged .

"What's your relationship with Mrs Caroline?"I asked.

"She's my step mom . Dad got her after mom's demise" he said and I felt pity towards him .

"Am sorry about that "I said and he chuckled .

"You don't see any expression on my face so why the pity , shits like this are made to keep you weak , so you gotta stand and spit on them cause they're nonsense" He said and I nodded .

"So what do you do for a living ?"I asked

"Are you kidding me ? you've got no idea what your husband does to earn money . Maybe I should turn you around and give you a nice fuck so that brain of yours starts functioning properly "He said with a mischievous smile and tried standing up when I pushed him down to sit .

"Am not done drying "I said.

"This drying is taking more time than it's supposed to . Don't you think so wifey ?"He asked and I snorted .

"So Chloe and Rick are your step siblings ?"I asked.

"Yeah but there's one more " He said .

"Who's that ?"I asked.

"Lucy" He replied .

"Oh ! how's she related to you ?" I asked.

"Chloe's elder sis . She's the only one who's got a good heart among them "He said.

"That's nice but Rick's good too "I said and he stood up abruptly .

"This hair drying session is over and don't forget that wolves in sheep clothing do exist and they may be closer than you think " He said and left for the wardrobe.

"And from today , we're gonna be bathing together .I like the feel of your body on mine . It's a good company "He said and left the room .

This isn't good, am falling for him and to him am nothing but a sex slave .

Nature's really cruel to me .

I dressed up and went downstairs to see Rick having a chat with Chloe .

"Hi Rita "He said

"Hi Rick "I replied with a smile .

"Come and join us , we're having a good chat "He said

"Uhm, I'll pass . I've got an important call to make " I said and pointed at my phone .

"Where did you get that ?"He asked.

"Richard bought for me "I replied.

"I got you one and this isn't it "He said and I detected anger coming up .

"Can we talk outside for a moment ?"I asked and he nodded then followed me outside , while Chloe stared at us curiously.

"Why did Richard get you a new phone? what happened to the one I bought ?"He asked and I narrated everything that happened when Richard saw the phone .

"That bastard! how dare he crush my gift like that " He said and I sighed . I would have reacted like this if I was in his shoes. That phone was the first gift I got from my friend here .

"Am sorry , Rick"I said .

"It's not your fault , as long as you're happy , am happy" He said and I smiled then he hugged me .

"Thanks Rick "I said

"Anytime, Rita "He replied .

We were about to disengage from the hug when Chloe cleared her voice , and I turned to see her standing there with a smirk.

"Rita , for hell sake you're married . Stp flirting with your brother in law " She said.

"Am not flirting , Rick and I are just friends "I said and she chuckled .

"Chloe you have no idea what Rita's been through so don't just come and judge her like that " Rick said and I was grateful to him .

"That's none of my business, the next time I see an act like this , I'll make sure Richard knows of it . I can't stand and watch this sex toy tear our family apart " She spat and turned to leave when I dragged her back .

"If my dad hadn't obtaied that debt , you wouldn't have seen me here neither will your standard be as high as mine" I said.

"Unfortunately, your dad obtained the debt so pay the price and stop acting like you're still a celebrity , bitch "She said and I lost it .

Without thinking , I raised my hands and slapped her hard on the face .

"You messed with the wrong bitch "I said and walked away .

"Rita " Rick called my but I ignored him .

"It's your fault , Chloe " Rick said and attempted touching Chloe's face when she pusheud him back .

"You're supporting that bitch ! you're taking her side . Aren't you my brother ?"She asked while a tear fell from her eye .

"I am your brother but that ..."

"Enough, I don't want to hear it " Chloe said cutting Rick's words short .

I went to my room and closed the door then laid on the bed . For the first time , I was feeling good for talking back in this house .

I took my lunch in the room and few hours later Richard came back .

"Welcome , Richard"I said and he shrugged .

"I'll be going to take my bath "He said and I nodded .

"You should be following after me "He said

"Why should I ?"I asked .

"Cause that's the new rule " He said .

"I've taken my bath already , Richard "I said and he nodded .

"I won't spare you next time "He said and I shrugged .

He came out of the bathroom and sat on a chair staring at me .

"What's it ?"I asked.

"My hair "He replied

"What about it ?"I asked

"It's not dried yet "He said and I nodded .

"I don't understand how it's related to me "I said and he frowned .

"You should be drying it "He said

"You can simply say , please dry my hair not say it like it's my duty "I said.

"We're married so it's your duty "He said

"The marriage ain't real so it's not " I said.

"Can you come over before I do ?"He said with a mischievous grin and I quickly went to dry his hair .

Few minutes later , I was done and a maid knocked on the door .

"Come in " Richard said and she walked in with a bow.

"Dinner is ready" The maid said .

"Alright , we'll be down soon "I said and she left .

Richard's phone rang and he picked the call .

"Am coming in three days . It's boring here " Grand Pa said and ended the call .

"This old man never learns " Richard grunted .

"Let's go for dinner "He said and I nodded .