Chapter 18 Fuck buddy

Richard's POV

I wanted to go after her but I had a more pressing issue , so I went to my car and drove away .

I got to my territory and all emotions vanished from my face . I put on my cold face and walked with a dangerous aura .

"What's up , Gregory "I said .

"Scorpion and his men have the containers " Gregory replied .

"We attack at night , get the weapons ready and a ship for transporting should be ready too . Inform scorpion that he'll be surrendering the containers with a sum of Fifty million dollars "I said and left while he went to carry out my orders .

This is a part of me no one knows of maybe someone does actually, and when the time is right I'll take that someone out of the way .

Rita's POV

I snubbed Richard and went inside . I just had a conversation with Cynthia and I was super happy . We talked for a long time and exchanged our usual love greetings before ending the call .

I told her of my condition but sadly there's nothing she can do to help .

I ate my breakfast and lunch in my room . I wasn't ready for Caroline's saucy attitude . She's the least of my problems .

Night reached and I requested my dinner to be brought to my room but the maid said Caroline strictly forbade her from taking food into my room when everyone could dine together in the dining .

I went to the dining and Caroline and her children were there already , as usual Chloe was glaring at me and I glared back .

"Why didn't you eat your breakfast here with us ?"Caroline asked

"I wasn't feeling well "I replied .

"I understand, Richard's punishments aren't easy . So how did he punish you ?"Chloe asked sacarstically.

"It's our private matter "I replied .

"Enough of the discussions , now eat "Mrs Caroline said and no voice was heard in the dining again .

I went to my room and checked the time , it was half past nine !

Richard might not be coming back again tonight . That reminds me , his grand pa is coming tomorrow Shebi ought to give him a gift. But what do I gift him ?I thought .

I went to the veranda to have some fresh air when I heard footsteps behind me and turned to see Rick .

"Hi Rick "I said

"Hi Rita, what are you doing here ?"He asked

"Came to have some fresh air which I've had , so I'll be going inside now . Good night "I said with a smile and turned to leave when he dragged me and left the veranda .

"What are you doing Rick ?"I asked when we got to his room and he locked the door .

"Why have you been avoiding me ?"He asked.

"Am not avoiding you , now please open the door before your mother comes here and misunderstands the whole thing "I said

"Rita , what did he do to you ?"He asked and I shook my head .

"Nothing "I replied and he approached me closely , leaving no distance between us .

"That's a whole lot of closeness Rick "I said and he crushed his lips on mine .

What the fuck is happening!

I tried pushing him away from me but he held me tighter .

"Stop this Rick "I managed to say but instead he pressed my butts and when I wanted to shout , he kissed me deeper .

"Rita , I know you want this as much as I do , so can we do it ?"He asked and I felt ashamed of myself .

"I think Richard's right about what he said about you . Am disappointed in you Rick "I said and went to open the door when he forcefully carried me to his bed , while tugging my night wear .

"Get away from me Rick "I shouted but instead, he tore my night wear showing my bra .

"I hate you !"I shouted while tears fell from my eyes .

I wish Richard was here , it's better him than Rick .

"Rick , please let me go "I shouted but he spread my legs together and held them with his and started unbuckling his trousers.

There's no way am being a victim of rape !

I managed to grab the flower vase beside the bed and hit his head with it , then ran out of the room .

That's it ! I lost my only friend here , tonight .

I went to my room , locked the door and cried my eyes out . If that vase hadn't been there I would have been raped by now .

My phone rang and the caller was Richard .

I cleared my voice before answering the call .

"Hello "I said.

"What's with the broken voice ?"He asked

"Nothing . I just choked on something "I replied.

"Strip now if you're putting on something . I want to see you on video call "He said and ended the call .

I took off my night gown leaving my bra and panty .

The video call rang and I answered the call .

"Looking hot like always "He said and I shrugged .

"Why did you cry ?"He suddenly asked to my surprise.

"I choked and was trying to remove the bone when tears fell from my eye "I lied

"It's gonna be worse if I find out myself . The only person who has the right to make you cry is me "He said and ended the call .

I put on my dress and went to bed .

I recalled my mother's lullaby and that's when I slept .

** ** **

Richard's POV

I was getting hard and knew I needed Rita's flesh around mine so I called her to hear her voice at least . Her voice sounded broken like she cried and that's why I asked for a video call .

She told me she choked on a bone and that's why she cried but I needed no soothsayer to know she was lying .

I ended the call and ordered for some sluts to cool the night off with .

A slut was sent to my room and I recognized her to be the one I made out with the previous time .

She's good so I let her do the job .

She knelt before me and took my length in her mouth . I began to mouth fuck her and she was keeping up with my pace .

I didn't enjoy it like I do with Rita but she had more experience.

I exploded in her mouth and she swallowed it all .

"You're good "I said and she smiled .

She laid on the bed with her legs spread as invitation. I put on a condom and slammed into her .

"Rita "I grunted and fucked her harder .

"Mr R...ahh...You're the best ....hard....harder "She moaned .

I reached orgasm and threw some dollars on her body .

"I'll send some men to pick you and keep at one of my mansions . You'll be my fuck buddy "I said and she leaped with joy .

"Thanks Mr R". She said while flaunting her butts at my face . I prefer Rita .I sighed .