Chapter 21 Fatherly advice

Few metres away from Richard's car , a man in black dialled a number .

"He's with her sir " The man said .

"I thought as much . You can leave before he sights you . That boy is very smart " The voice in the call said and ended it .

The man in black reversed his car and drove away .

Richard's POV

I undressed Cindy and and began to stroke her pussy and she moaned into my ears .

She pulled my trousers and began to ride my dick . The best fuck ever !

She's so good in this and my love for her bloomed .

We both reached orgasm and began to pant heavily .

"I've missed you Richard " She said while stroking my jaw.

"And I've missed you more "I said and slapped her butts .

"Grand Pa will be coming today , if he's not arrived already " I said

"That's cool and I'll be coming to stay for a while in the house . Is that okay with you ?"She asked

"As long as it's something you want"I replied

"Cindy one more thing "

"What's that ?" She asked

"Am married but it's not a real marriage "I said and she frowned

"What kind of joke is this Richard ?"She asked and I narrated everything to her .

"So in two years , we're gonna be married ?"She asked

"Yes "I replied

"Even if your Grand Pa refuses ?"She asked

"We're getting married in two years and that's it "I said and kissed her .

I drove her to her house and left for mine .

I drove to my house and went to the room to have some shower .

I got to the room and saw Rita pressing her phone and this time She didn't say welcome or hi . Just acted like I wasn't in the room .

"Am back "I said and she nodded .

"I can see that " She replied

"Is Grand Pa back ?"I asked and she nodded .

I went to the bathroom and waved myself then came out to see her still using the phone and smiling .

"What are you doing on the phone ?"I asked and she was about to reply when a servant knocked on the door .

"Master Rick , Grand Pa wants to meet you in his room now " The servant said and I dismissed her .

"Even the servants call him grand pa ?" Rita asked surprisingly.

"Yes " I replied and put on my clothes then left the room for Grand Pa's.

I knocked and heard a "Come in "

"Richard , you were fully aware of my arrival and you weren't at home to welcome me , what nonsense " He said furiously .

"Rita said you left for an urgent work " He said and I felt relieved .

"Yes , Grand Pa, an urgent work that needed my attention came up so I had to leave" I replied

"You know very well how this old man detests lies " He said and I needed no one to tell me he knew my whereabouts .

"I went to bring Cindy from the airport " I said

"I know that and I also know you did more than just bringing her from the airport" He said and I shrugged .

"Grand Pa I hate the way you interfere in my personal affairs " I said frustratedly

"Am just watching out for my daughter in law "He shrugged .

"I'll take my leave now " I said and turned to leave when he hit me with his stick on my legs .

"Did my temporal absence in this house make you loose your manners , Richard ? How dare you walk out on me without I permitting you . It'll take me three days or less and I can reduce you to a pauper so be careful " He said in a harsh tone .

"Am sorry, Grand Pa" I said and he nodded .

"Cindy will be coming over tomorrow. She wants to see you " I said.

"Did you tell her I don't want to see her since her presence is a threat to your marriage ?"He asked

"I didn't . We grew together so it's normal for her to want to see you , besides it's been long she saw you "I said and he snorted .

"Leave my room , Richard " He ordered and I left .

I went to my room and saw Rita leaving with a wrapped item .

"What's that ?" I asked

"It's none of your business Richard "She replied and walked past me .

She walked to Grand Pa's room and he permitted her to come in with a gentle voice . Partial old man .

Rita's POV

I walked into Grand Pa's room and greeted him and he replied with a smile .

"How are you doing , Rita ?"He asked

"Am fine , Grand Pa. I wanted to gift you this . I just thought it's good I gift you something since you'll be coming today , but I didn't know your preferences . I hope you accept this "I said and kept it on the table .

"I knew you were the best choice for that boy .Am grateful for the gift and I accept it wholeheartedly" He said and I smiled .

"I'll take my leave now "I said.

"Sit down Rita "He said and I sat down .

"I know it's hard for you here but I also know with time you'll like it . Richard's ex financee will be coming tomorrow. I hope you handle her like the sensible woman you are and not reply every statement thrown to you " He said and I became emotional . This is the first time I got an advise of a father .

"Can I hug you , Grand Pa?"I asked

"You don't need permission for that" He said and I hugged him tightly as my tears fell on his shoulders .

"Thanks a lot grand pa. I never got any good fatherly advice so that's why am emotional" I said

"Cry all you want , my dear "He said and I wiped my tears .

"I'll do as you say , Grand Pa "I said and he nodded .

"Never let that boy see a tear from your eyes because you're stronger than that "He said and I nodded .

"Thanks a lot "I said .

"This old man will take some rest now "He said and we chuckled then I left the room , happily .