Chapter 28 Stop smiling

Richard's POV

I went into our room and met Rita sleeping , so I woke her .

"Why did you raise your hands on Cindy ?"I asked and she smiled .

"What else did she say I did to her ? pushed her from the terrace ? gave her a blow on her nose? "She asked and I fumed more.

"Are you trying to Say she's lying ?"I asked and she smiled mode. Damn! those smiles are weakening me , can't she just stop ?

"Nope , I know you're smarter than this Richard "She said and smiled more !

"Can you stop smiling ?"I asked still maintaining my furious facial expression.

"Why ? are they making you weak ?" She asked with a knowing smirk.

"Your thing is gradually rising , Richard. I don't think she'll be asleep now. Go tell her to bring it back to normal "She shrugged and went back to sleep .

"Are you sure you're in love with me ? Cause you don't act like one "I said and she chuckled .