Chapter 43 Too good

Rita's POV

I woke up in the morning feeling nauseous. Suddenly I felt like vomiting so I rushed to the bathroom and vomitted. I came out and Richard stared at me curiously .

"Are you alright ?"He asked

"I would have felt better if that question came from Scott "I blurted and he frowned .

"You still think about him don't you ?"He asked and I nodded .

"Why asking? does it hurt you when I say am thinking of another man huh ?"I asked with a smirk .

"You can think about whoever you wish to think about . It's none of my business but we'll be going to the hospital so go and prepare yourself "He said

"Why will we go to the hospital?"I asked

"To check up on you. Your face looks pale so you need to get some tests and medicine too "He said and my heart skipped when I recalled I missed my period last month . It can't be what am thinking right ?It just can't be.