Chapter 50 Be your man

Richard's POV

I woke up in the morning and saw Cindy lying on me and we were both naked. I recalled what happened last night but not all of it .Some images were vague in my mind . All I recalled was switching off the erotic movie we were watching then trying to stand but I got dizzy and fell . Did Cindy drug me last night ? I must have fucked her raw last night . Geez I didn't put on a condom. I left for my room and freshener up . I felt relieved we didn't do it in this room.

Cindy's POV

I woke up but Richard wasn't lying with me and I knew he must have woken up and went to refresh himself . Last night was the best night of my life .

I went to my room and took my bath then came to the dining in fresh clothes.

"Good morning, sweet heart" I said with the prettiest smile.

"Morning . How's your night?" He asked.

"Sweet . Why didn't you wake me when you woke up ?" I asked with a frown.

"You were enjoying your sleep so I didn't want to disturb "He replied and sipped his tea .