Chapter 72 We're done !

RIta's POV 

I woke up in a familiar room and saw that face I dreaded the most. Richard!

"What am I doing here?"I asked.

"How'll I know? Your taxi driver brought you here " He said and I checked my belly to see it was still protruded. That's a relief . My baby is safe. 

"You're checking to see if I've removed my own child ?"He asked and I rolled my eyes .

"Dont act innocent Richard, the moment you get the chance am sure you'll do it but I'll never give you that chance "I said.

"It's unlike me to say this but am still gonna say it. Am sorry for the way I treated you and my child. Now let's get back together " He said and I frowned.

"Did you just apologise?"I asked.

"Yeah " He replied .

"What kind of an apology is that . Your tone didn't sound sincere and your last statement sounded like an order" I said and he stood and put his hands in his pocket .

"You don't expect me to grovel before you right ?"He asked.