Chapter 62 Love Free Things

Richard's POV

I left with Evelyn and the boys for the casino . I got there and saw Scott sitting on a chair and from his face , I knew he's been here for some time.

"You said I should come by 8p.m." He said.

"Yes I did " I replied.

"You're here by 9p.m." He said furiously.

"Am a boss , Scott. You don't expect me to come here the same time you did " I said and lit a cigarette.

"Am not your minion . Never forget that " He said with a frown.

"You used to be. Never forget that " I replied.

"Nonsense. What's the surprise you called me here for. I have better things to do so it better be worthwhile" He said.

"The better things you talk about is fucking Rita . Isn't it ?"I asked and he chuckled.