Chapter 67 The D- day

Cindy's POV

I left for my house after Richard spat those hurtful words at me. Seems like he's find out Rita's Where about. Mom promised me she'll find her and eliminate her, but Richard is above her now. I got to the house and saw mom and dad having a drink and eating some fruits .

"Cindy, my dear. Why are you suddenly here with your luggage?"Mom asked surprisingly.

"Mom, everything is gone " I said and broke down in tears .

"What do you mean ?"Mom asked and wiped my tears. 

"Richard ordered me to leave the house "I said and she gasped. 

"How's that possible? Catherine already told me the old man has finally agreed to get you two married so why did he order you to come back here ?"She asked.

"I'll have a word with the old man " Dad said and I shook my head .