Parrot for a daughter

Avery's POV

I heard a knock on the door and opened the door to see five maidens and three were carrying a dress and some ornaments .

"We're here to dress you for the wedding, my princess " one of the maidens said and they entered the room .

One entered the bathroom and prepared the water .

"The water is ready my princess" She said and I entered the bathroom then they followed me .

"I can take care of myself "I said to them with a smile.

"We were ordered to take care of you , my princess" One of them said and I let them take care of the bath. Am not new to this but it just feels new here and it's my first time of staying without Mary. After some time , the bath was over and they dressed me up in my wedding dress which had a veil .

"You're beautiful, princess " One of them said and I nearly scoffed . If my sister is here you guys would have been captivated by her beauty.