Chapter 84 Messed up mood

Rita's POV

I woke up to get some water but couldn't find Richard in the room. I went to the kitchen to drink some water then searched the whole house for Richard but he wasn't around. Where could he have gone at this odd hour. I sat on the couch and decided to watch the Tele when the door suddenly opened and Richard came in.

"You're already awake?" He asked

"As you can see" I replied and he walked to the stairs.

"Where are you coming from, Richard?"I asked

"Thought you wouldn't ask. I went to settle an important issue" He replied.

"And this issue isn't something you can share with your wife?"I asked

"Yeah" He replied.

"You're acting suspiciously and I don't like it" I said and he came and sat close to me.

"It had to do with my underworld business" He said and I nodded.