Chapter 17


I was going to go see Gabriela in class because I know it was the class she didn't like very much, and to it, add Alex in that class, although lately they've gotten along well or that's what I see. She seems happier since we started college again, besides that, I didn't have any more classes today, but I would wait for her to go home. 

My surprise is when I was going to enter class to wish her good luck, I see Alex is behind her, looking at her as he always did, it was obvious he was in love with her to the bone, I don't understand how she doesn't realize it. When Gabriela realizes Alexa is behind her I could see a small smile in her face and minutes later she gets up and put her hands on each side of Alex face and to my bad luck that's the moment I have to leave because I would keep watching to see what would happen between these two. It looked like they were going to kiss and I was freaking out quite a bit. 

I was coming out of college thinking what these two could be doing when suddenly I bumped into someone. When I look up, I see it's Carlota who is staring at me strangely and me too because I don't know what she's doing here. 

"What are you doing here?" we asked at each other, frowning, because as far as I knew, she wouldn't met us at college, especially if we took into account she had classes "I didn't have class and I decided to come here, I thought I remembered you didn't have class. Do you have class?" 

"No, I don't have more today." I said "What's wrong with you? You look very thoughtful." she said and I shrugged. "I just saw something and left me a little impressed." I affirmed, because I didn't expect to see Gabriela with her hands on Alex's face and especially the joy appeared in her eyes. 

"And if you tell me so I can be impressed? Because I get the impression it's because of Gabriela." she said and I nodded "It's just she's with Alex right now. It's a weird thing to explain." I answered and she frowned. "How was she with Alex?" 

"I already told you they are starting to get along better and she puts up with him." I declared, because it wasn't the first time Carlota and I talked about the subject "No one understands her, first she hates him and now it seems they are going to get along well. But that guy better starts to forget that he's going to hurt our bestie again, I'm not going to let it happen again." 

"Alex wouldn't do anything to her, he really loves her. Much more than before and he loved her before." I said and Carlota didn't take long to put her hand on her hip, making it clear it wasn't something she liked to hear "If he loved her as much as you say, why did he hurt her?" 

"I don't know, Carlota, but you have to understand Gabriela didn't tell him the rumors weren't true either." I answered and she gave me an angry look "Since when do you defend that guy? Are you friends now or something?" she asked and I snorted. "Carlota, we almost didn't talk. Besides, if Alex hurts Gabriela, I'll be the first to kill him. But if my thoughts turn out to be real, you can be sure we won't be able to do anything." 

"What are you talking about?" she inquired "Carlota, I'm not telling you this as a joke or anything, I'm telling you the truth. I think Gabriela is still in love with him, if it's what she wants we won't be able to stop her. 

"We'll convince her, Marcos, she can't go back with him." she insisted and I rolled my eyes, because what she wanted to do is something stupid "Since when does Gabriela get an idea out of her head? I think never, and if she wants to be with him, we aren't going to stop it. Moreover, we would risk losing her. I don't want to lose her friendship Carlota, she's my best friend since dippers." 

"I know she's your friend since dippers and all, but I don't want Gabriela to be depressed, I don't like seeing her like that." she whispered the last part and I ended up putting my arm around her shoulders "Not you or anyone else, but we know how Gabriela is, she won't listen to anyone. She knows well the risk she has. She has assumed it." 

"Well, I won't let her make the worst mistake of her life." she assured once more and I denied it, because if Carlota and Gabriela were alike in anything, it was it was impossible to get an idea out of their heads "We're not going to do anything Carlota." I insisted "Oh no, you'll see how I'm going to do something, even if you don't want to participate, I'll do it. I'll manage." 

"Don't get into trouble, Carlota, you know what Gabriela's character is like and if you deny her to do something, she does it with more determination until she succeeds." I reiterated "Well, I'll find a way to achieve it, I'm not going to let her make the worst mistake of her life. Now I'm going to think about what to do, call me later, okay? When Gabriela comes out." 

"I will, but think carefully about what you are going to do, Carlota, it's not a good idea." I replied "We'll see if it is or not." At that exact moment he went in the direction she had come from a couple of minutes ago. 

I don't really know what Carlota was trying to do to make Gabriela forget about Alex, because I think that's impossible. If she hasn't been able to forget him in these eight years, much less is Carlota going to achieve it now Gabriela sees him every day and begins to realize things have changed since the last time she saw him. When Gabriela realizes she loves him, no one will be able to prevent them from being together, much less will they be able to separate them, neither I nor they will allow it.