Chapter 22


Gabriela had entered a couple of minutes ago and as soon as I saw they were coming in I followed them because I didn't want to lose sight of her. I don't know what it was she didn't want to tell me about what she heard from those girls, but it must have been something important for her to get mad at me like she did. As soon as I entered the house, Diego appears, staring at me for a moment. 

"I already thought you were gone." Diego said, but I didn't take my eyes off Gabriela for a single second. "No, I told you I was going to be there and I have no reason to leave now." I assured and I could almost assure he was frowning "I don't understand you." 

"If I didn't leave before, I'm not going to do it now." I replied "I don't know what you mean by that, but tell me, how are you doing at the college you transferred to?" he asked curiously "Things began to change, so yes, if I was already fine, now I'm much better." 

"You're weird, I really don't understand you." He already answered what made me laugh "It's the same, it's not necessary." I assured him "By the way, did you see that girl who hangs out with a guy and a classmate of mine from college?" he asked and I frowned because I had a slight idea who he was referring to "From your description you could say that about many people, but I think for sure you mean Gabriela." 

"That same one. Wait, do you know her from somewhere?" he asked surprised and I nodded "Well, she's hot man, I'd like to fuck her." he assured "But you're not going to do it for your own good." I said "You've noticed her, huh...." I roll my eyes because it was obvious, I noticed her, I never stopped doing it since the first time I saw her and I would never stop doing it, that was clear to me. 

"Of course, I noticed, from the first day I met her." I confirmed "And since when have you known her?" he asked. "For nine years." I confessed completely sure he doesn't think this Gabriela is the same Gabriela who had been my girlfriend. "You've known her for so long and you never introduced her to us?" he asked offended. 

"Yes, I introduced her to you and that's why you won't do anything to her." I assured and he frowned "Wait, what? At what point did you introduce it to us? I remember you introduced us to a girlfriend you had when you changed schools and when you ended your relationship you were devastated." 

"And will you happen to remember his name?" I inquired "Gabriela..." He answered quickly and it's at that moment everything seems to fit in his head and he stares at me and in the direction, Gabriela was in as if he couldn't believe it, was the same person. "Is it the same Gabriela?" he asked and I nodded. "The same." 

"You never stopped being in love with her, did you?" he asked and I laughed "I don't know, what do you think? I changed college for her and to be able to see her again." I confirmed "Is that why you were nervous about getting into college or not?" he inquired "Of course, it was the only way I could talk to her." 

"Couldn't you talk to her another time?" he asked "No, I don't know if you know how Carlota is with the people she loves or her family doesn't want me around." I commented "I don't get it, wasn't she the one who dumped you?" he asked confused and I denied "No, it was me." 

"I don't understand anything." He replied after a few seconds "I left her because I thought she was cheating on me with the boy who's with them, I don't know if you noticed they don't separate at all." 

"Oh, they're not partners." he commented and I denied "No, they aren't and is the mistake I made years ago." I affirmed "Well, it's normal, that's what it looks like at first glance." he tried to console me, but it was impossible to confuse their friendship "But if you get to know them you realize they can't be, they consider themselves siblings." 

"But they aren't." He replied and I nodded "I know, but there's a relationship between them, Marcos and Gabriela have known each other since they were little and Carlota a few years later." I told him "When did you know all this?" he asked "Shortly after we finished school and left." 

"Now I understand how devastated you were." He replied "Of course I was going to be devastated, she was and is the love of my life. I will never stop loving her." I sincerely said, "Why don't you go talk to her?" 

"It's complicated, I hurt her a lot, plus she's with her friends, she told me we'd talk later." I said with a big smile "When did she tell you?" he inquired. "A little while ago, in the garden." I confirmed and his eyebrows practically reached her scalp "Did you go with her to the garden?" 

"Yeah, I don't think there's a problem with that." I said, raising an eyebrow, "No, I didn't say there's problem with it, but according to you, she can't see you, I don't understand how you could talk to her." he said surprised "Because now at least she doesn't want to kill me all the time, that's why we can talk. Also, we started to have a better relationship." 

"Improve it in what way?" he inquired "In the friendship, I don't know what you're really thinking." I replied, rolling my eyes, "I thought it was on another track, nothing more." He answered raising his hands in the air "Well no, as much as I like it to be that way, it's not." 

"I'm sure you'll have her soon; you just have to see the looks she gives you every few minutes." Those simple words make me turn to look in Gabriela's direction and I notice at this moment she's looking at me, more than anything I know, because a shine appears in her beautiful brown eyes I have not seen for a long time. 

We stare at each other for a couple of minutes and then Carlota touches her arm, making Gabriela give all her attention to her. "What I was telling you, it shows she's in love with you Alex. I don't know what you've done to her, but I'm one hundred percent sure you'll be together again." 

"You think?" I asked and he nodded with a smile on his face "I believe it. You're lucky to have such a beauty all to yourself. Also, if I remember correctly, she was a good girl." he said and I nodded "She still is." I affirmed "Well, I'm going to continue greeting people, you avoid staining the floor with drool, I don't feel like cleaning up later." 

We laughed and when he left to continue greeting the rest of the people and of course, I went back to my favorite hobby, looking at Gabriela.