Chapter 40


Luckily for everyone today I had to drive. Unfortunately for me it was Monday and I have to go to college. I was in a very bad mood and it's better no one crosses me because it's not something I recommend. From the look on Marcos's face and the way he looked at me, he thinks something was wrong with me, that something happened to me yesterday after they left, but the truth is nothing happened to me, I just woke up in a bad mood. 

You could say it's because I didn't sleep on Friday, nor on Saturday because I spent my time talking to Alex, and it's not because I was talking to him, but because I wasn't sleepy, that's why I was in a bad mood this morning, since it was cold that it wasn't these days. 

When we got to college, my siblings left without saying anything to me and Marcos and I went to the place where we would wait for Sara and Clara. "Can I know what's wrong with you? Did your siblings do something to you?" Marcos asked and I denied "They didn't do anything to me, Marcos." I replied "So did something happen to you with Alex?" he asked again and I rolled my eyes "Does something have to happen to me with chance?" I inquired annoyed he assumed my bad mood was due to Alex, when he best of all knows sometimes, I wake up like this. 

"Don't be mad Gabriela, I'm just asking." he tried to calm me down "Well, you don't have to ask so much because nothing is wrong with me, I just didn't get all the sleep back considering I didn't sleep on Friday and Saturday." 

"Did you not sleep on Saturday?" he asked surprised "No, I wasn't sleepy so if it's not too much to ask, leave me alone, I don't want to do something I'm going to regret." I said and started walking again "What happens to you for you two are arguing? Did that asshole do something to you?" 

As soon as Sara said that, my mind woke up, but not too much, just to react to it, but like it was better not to say anything and leave before she said something about Alex again and I reacted in a worse way than I did Friday with Carlota, Marcos had to know I wasn't going to let her say that, which is why I got a little closer to him so only he could hear what I was going to say. 

"Marcos, I have to go." I said and he starts to focus his gaze on me again "Is something wrong?" he asked with a worried tone "No, but I don't think you want me to kill your possible sister-in-law, right?" I asked ironically "No, I don't think I want that, but do you really think you should go?" 

"Well yes, if the other day I reacted badly with Carlota, imagine now." I insisted "But you can control yourself." He affirmed and I denied, because the last thing I wanted now was to argue with someone "But I'm not going to risk it, Marcos." 

"And what do I tell them?" he asked and I shrugged. "Anything but the truth, I don't want Sara to find out like that." I confirmed and he nodded "Thank you Marcos." I said and left there before Sara said something about Alex again and since it wasn't too long before it rang the bell, I started walking to my next class. I was entering the campus when suddenly I hear Alex behind me. 

"Hello, my queen, how are you?" he asked, probably with a big smile on his face, "Alex, please don't start." I said tired of everything and with a more abrupt tone than I intended "Are you okay?" he asked "Yes, but I want you to leave me alone for a fucking while, I need to be alone." I said practically angrily "Okay, whatever you want." he answered. 

He didn't deserve my bad mood in the morning, neither he nor anyone else. In his voice I could hear sadness, too much I would say, so it didn't take me long to calm down a bit and turn around to forgive him. 

"Sorry, I shouldn't have talked to you like that. Excuse me." The last thing I wanted was for him to feel bad "Don't worry, you're right, you need time for yourself for me I'm chasing you all over college." he assured with a small smile on his face, but I knew it wasn't real, which made me feel bad for the way I spoke to him. 

"It's not I need time to myself, it's just I haven't had enough sleep and after not sleeping at all for two days I'm sleepy, but really, forgive me for talking to you like that. Sometimes I behave like a bitch." I said sincerely, because it was true "No, you don't. You always got mad when you didn't sleep well, so I understand." Alex answered. 

"That makes me feel more of a bitch that you know." I protested letting out a small laugh "You're not, you're a very good person." he affirmed and I denied, because right now I'm not understanding how he was being so nice despite the way I spoke to him "Why are you so nice to me?" 

"It is not obvious?" he asked "But I don't think that has anything to do with the truth, whether you're in love or not, you don't have to behave the way you do with me, especially after how I talked to you and treated you." I answered "Well, yes, besides, I didn't always treat you well either." 

"It doesn't matter, let's forget about it." I asked. The last thing I wanted to remember was what had happened eight years ago between us. "I can't afford it, Gabriela." he said, and I could see he believed it "If you can and if you want my mental health to be good, it's better you don't say it anymore, I don't want to get angry about anything, that's it. Look to the future instead of anchoring yourself in the past." 

"It is not easy to forget something you did too badly to the person you love, Gabriela." he assured and I denied "Well, I'll help you forget it, but please, don't say it again, I don't want to get mad at you anymore." I asked "And how does that help you?" 

"In my sanity, I told you so." I repeated "I don't think it influences you too much." I nodded, because I knew full well it was "Yes, imagine one day I'm without much sleep, something like today, I don't want to try more than I normally don't to argue with you about something that happened years ago." 

"At some point I think we should talk about it." He said "We'll see, for the moment I don't want that to happen even in the near future. Please, do me the favor of not worrying anymore, go on." I asked him "I'll try, but I can't guarantee anything." 

"If you want, I'll help you, really." I assured. The last thing I needed was precisely for him to focus on what in the future "Thank you my queen, then you say I'm the good person. I can't compare to you." He said giving me a hug and after practically a minute we separated "Yes you can, anyone could compare, I'm not much." 

"Yes, you are, you shouldn't say for the sake of my sanity." That made me smile and it was something he always did, I had no idea how he did it, but he did it. "You look more beautiful like this; you should always be like this." he said with a big smile invading his face "That's impossible." 

"But I will do what is in my power to make it so." he assured and I laughed. "Then you're going to have to be very on top of me, I change my mood quickly." I said, and deep down, it was something I liked, but I wouldn't admit to him, at least at this moment "Glady my queen, as long as I spend more time with you, if you want of course." 

"Of course." Right at that moment the bell rang and today for my luck or misfortune, it depends from where you look at it, I didn't have class with him, even though a part of me wanted to have class with him because that way we could talk a while longer and I like his company, he made me feel better and I liked him.