Ancestral Revelations

Kaito rubbed the sleep from his eyes and stretched his arms. He slowly got out of bed, feeling a little sore, but nothing he couldn't handle. After washing up, he walked to the kitchen where Alexander was already laying out some food.

"Morning or should I say afternoon." Alexander greeted him with a warm smile, his eyes twinkling mischievously.

"Um,." Kaito replied softly, feeling a little awkward as he sat down at the table. He was hungry but also a bit uncomfortable, still not sure what to make of the events of last night. He didn't regret it, but it was all so new to him. He had never been with a man before, let alone one who claimed to be a vampire... although from what happened he wasn't entirely human either.

Alexander seemed to sense his unease and tried to put him at ease by acting casual and laidback. He chatted about mundane things to pass the time while he was brewing some tea.

As they ate, Kaito couldn't help but ask the question that had been on his mind since last night. "So, about what you said... You're really a vampire?"

Alexander chuckled. "Yes,.. is there anything you would like to ask?'' he poured himself a cup of tea before continuing . "You seemed to be quite new to your transformation last night."

Kaito mummbled with food in his mouth "Um.. Well.."

"Well," Alexander said thoughtfully. "Some people are born with the ability to transform into animals. It's a rare genetic trait, but it exists. Dogs, cats you name it... Wolves are.. they tend to be more true to instinct though, so hiding in human society can sometimes make them go a bit..disarray..''

Kaito stared at Alexander, his mind thoughtful. It all sounded so far-fetched, but at the same time, he couldn't deny what he had experienced last night.

"I don't know what to say," Kaito said softly.

Kaito began tentatively. "About me being a werewolf. I don't really understand much apart from some vague understanding from legends.. Can you explain it to me?"

As they sat down to eat, Kaito couldn't help but feel a bit nervous. He was still processing everything that had happened the night before, and now he was sitting here with a man who claimed to be a vampire. It was all so surreal.

Alexander noticed Kaito's unease and tried to put him at ease. "Relax, Kaito. It's just me," he said with a smile.

Kaito nodded, trying to calm his nerves as he began to eat. The food was delicious, and he found himself starting to relax a bit.

"So, about what you said last night," Kaito began tentatively. "About me being a werewolf. I don't really understand. Can you explain it to me?"

Alexander nodded, taking a sip of tea drink before he began. "Well, you see, werewolves are not like what you see in movies. They don't turn into giant wolves or anything like that. It's more like a genetic trait that is passed down through generations. And, from what I can tell, it seems like you have some werewolf ancestry in your bloodline although its thinner than usual."

Kaito was intrigued. He had never really thought about his ancestry before. "So, does that mean that my ancestors were werewolves?" he asked.

Alexander nodded. "It's highly possible. Werewolf bloodlines can be traced back for centuries. It's not uncommon for people to have a bit of werewolf blood in them without even knowing it. The reason for you suddenly showing, im not sure.. maybe you are a return to ancestors or just showing late."

Kaito found that he would need to look into his family history, maybe even speak with Saito or his mother.

"Do you know about your ancestry?" he asked.

Alexander chuckled. "Oh, I could tell you stories about my family that would make your head spin. But, let's just say that we go way back. My ancestors have been around for a very.. very long time."

Kaito was intrigued. He had so many questions, but he didn't want to overwhelm Alexander.

"Is it true that vampires can't go out in the sunlight?" he asked.

Alexander shook his head. "That's just a myth. We can go out in the sunlight, but it does make us more sensitive. Do you have any questions for me?"

Kaito nodded a bit hesitent. "You said you've been alive for a long time. How.. old are you, really?"

Alexander chuckled and leaned back on his chair. "I'm not sure you'd believe me if I told you. Let's just say I've been around for a few centuries."

''Wah.. You cradle robber..'' Kaito teased.

Alexander knew he wasn't actually serious, and he smiled at Kaito's teasing tone.