Family and acceptance

Kaito's nerves were on edge as he made his way to meet Alexander. The sun hung low in the sky, casting an amber glow across the city streets. Kaito came to the park they had ran into each other before where Alexander was waiting.

"Hey there," Alexander greeted, his voice carrying a hint of mischief. "Missed me already?"

Kaito sighed, trying to shake off his apprehension. "Not exactly. My family found out about us,…about our relationship. They also know your identity..."

Alexander's playful demeanor faltered for a moment as he absorbed the news. "Oh... and how did they react?"

"They're worried, especially about you being a vampire," Kaito admitted, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "…They think you only see me as a source of food."

Alexander's eyes softened as he regarded Kaito with sincerity. "I understand their concern. It's an instinctual fear, really. Werewolves, especially those with strong bloodlines like yours, are incredibly enticing to vampires. Our compatibility is too good, and it can lead to an addiction. But I promise you, Kaito, I see you as much more than just a meal."

Kaito's eyes widened with a mix of surprise and concern. "Addiction?"

Alexander leaned back, his gaze fixed on a distant point. "Vampires have an inherent craving for were-people's blood. It's like a drug to us. But, Kaito, I promise you, It's not just about the blood; it's about you."

Kaito's gaze met Alexander's, searching for sincerity and reassurance. "I want to believe you, Alexander. I really do. But sometimes, I'm still uncertain about what we are to each other.."

A soft chuckle escaped Alexander's lips, his eyes gleaming with genuine fondness. "Didn't my attitude make it clear? I quite like you, Kaito. You're not just a passing fancy to me."

Alexander reached out and gently squeezed Kaito's hand. "I understand your family's concerns, and I want to meet them. Show them that my intentions are genuine."

Feeling a renewed sense of confidence, Kaito decided to broach the topic of meeting his family. "Speaking of my family, they want to meet you too.. Specifically, my cousin Saito and my mother."

Alexander considered for a moment before suggesting, "How about next weekend? We can arrange a family gathering and address their concerns directly."

Kaito pondered for a moment, considering his family's schedule. "We can arrange a gathering at my aunt's place. It will give you a chance to get to know them and for them to see the real you."


Thenext week came around quickly. As they entered, Kaito's family members came into view. His cousin Saito stood by his mother, Miyuki, both wearing expressions that revealed a mixture of skepticism and concern. Kaito's aunt, Yumi, stood at the back, her arms crossed and a raised eyebrow conveying her disapproval.

"Everyone, this is Alexander," Kaito announced, his voice steady despite the fluttering in his chest. "He's my partner, and we wanted to introduce him to the family."

Saito's eyes narrowed as he scrutinized Alexander. "So, you're the vampire who has captured my cousin's heart, huh?"

Alexander's charming smile remained intact as he extended his hand toward Saito. "Yes, that would be me. It's a pleasure to meet you, Saito."

Saito hesitated for a moment before reluctantly shaking Alexander's hand. "We'll see about that," she muttered under his breath, clearly skeptical.

Miyuki, Kaito's mother, watched the interaction with a mixture of concern and curiosity. Her eyes flicked between her son and Alexander, searching for reassurance. "Kaito, are you sure about this? Vampires... it's just not what we had imagined for you."

Kaito took a deep breath, his voice firm yet filled with affection. "Mom, I understand your worries, but please give him a chance."

Miyuki's gaze softened, and after a moment of hesitation, she nodded. "As long as you're happy, Kaito, I'll support your choice."

Kaito's aunt, Yumi, rolled her eyes and crossed her arms even tighter. "I can't say I approve, but I suppose I'll tolerate it."

Kaito's attention then turned to his two young cousins, Hiro and Emi. Their eyes widened with curiosity as they looked at Alexander, they were too young to control their instincts and their wolf ears and tail were out involuntarily twitching with excitement.

"Is it true that you're a vampire?" Hiro asked, unable to contain his curiosity.

Alexander chuckled, his gaze warm as he responded, "Yes, it's true. But don't worry, I won't bite."

Emi tilted her head, her eyes sparkling with innocence. "Can you turn into a bat?"

Alexander grinned playfully. "Vampires can't transform into bats, but we do have other interesting abilities…"

The children's excitement grew, and they bombarded Alexander with questions about his vampire nature, seemingly unaffected by the tense atmosphere around them. Alexander, in turn, answered them patiently.

As the evening wore on, Kaito's initial concerns about a potential bloodbath faded away. The gathering at his aunt's house had unfolded in a surprisingly pleasant manner. Alexander's laidback but respectful attitude had gradually won over Kaito's family, dispelling their initial reservations.

The night had turned out far better than he had anticipated.

As he and Alexander made their way back through the city streets, bathed in the gentle glow of the moon, Kaito couldn't help but reflect on the day's events.

"I'm glad things went well," Kaito confessed, intertwining his fingers with Alexander's. "I was worried about how they would react, especially Saito.. she tends to hit first ask questions later."

Alexander squeezed Kaito's hand reassuringly. "Saito like the rest of your family is protective of you, and that's understandable."

Kaito nodded, his heart swelling with affection for both Alexander and his family. His family were important to him and Alexander's willingness to get along with them was the best part.

Alexander leaned over to Kaitos ear and whispered lightly "Let's head back to mine, you can give me a reward then.."

Kaito pushed Alexander's ever magnifying face away slightly. "You are insatiable.."