Bunny Girls Are Real!

A piercing scream jolted Ryan's head around. Focusing his gaze on two guards, he saw the cute pink-haired girl being hauled off. She was struggling, and her legs were flying out, trying to kick the guards on either side.

"Get the heck off me, you brutes!"

"You know I can make my money back. This is your fault!"

"What kind of crappy place do you all run?" Somehow getting her arms free, she dropped to the floor and began running around the room. The guards pursued her as she darted around the tables.

"The dealers are cheating! Check your cards; this isn't a legal casino!" Running towards the door, her hands in the air, her middle fingers flying at anyone that looked at her. She slammed through the door and was gone.

Taking advantage of all the commotion, Ryan walked around the perimeter of the room and quietly let himself out of the seedy enclosure, taking a deep breath of fresh air as he entered the alley.