Codename: Aurora (1)

Selecting [Yes], Ryan waited. And waited. And waited.

No notification, no flashy lights, nothing. Ryan would have thought the conversion failed, if not for opening his ability page and seeing this:

[5. Harem Knight (1/100): The battle forces of the Harem Master (Have to swear an oath of loyalty)]

'Sometimes heavens, you are so helpful, other times…'

"Thank you for accepting me, my liege," Velmuuth said, raising her head and standing.

Still clinging to Ryan's back, Zoey whispered, "What about me?"

"I'll tell you when we get back to campus," Ryan said, thinking of the 0 cooldowns if a 'sensual ceremony' is performed.

'For once, the heavens and I are speaking the same language.'

"I'll see you there," Zoey said and suddenly leaped off his back and hopped into the distance toward the academy.