I Don't Cum In Caves

After swimming through the rapids, Ryan's eyes adjusted to underwater darkness.

Ryan was almost about to call bullshit when he saw a small dark opening on the riverbed. It was a tiny fissure in the ground, just big enough for a person to squeeze through.

Entering the crevice, Ryan suddenly felt the sensation of falling as the liquid disappeared, and slick walls became his only support.

Starting to fall deeper into the passageway, it didn't take long for him to slam into the floor, a sharp pain spreading from his back all over his body.

"Shit," groaned Ryan. "That could have gone better."

Ryan took a deep breath and climbed off the floor, examining himself. There were several scrapes along both thighs, but there wasn't any bleeding.

Ryan examined every part of his body, but after finding no significant wounds, he started to take in his surroundings.