The Egg

Yoko, known by others as 'the egg' was currently salivating at the sight before her.

'A perfect vessel after all these years!'


After seeing Ryan for the first time Yoko had practically been doing summersaults inside her egg as she watched the boy pass test after test.

'I can also feel the heavenly aura on this boy. Although his soul is a little corroded, it's not like it will be left after I transfer into him anyway.'

Yoko had waited for many more years than The Old Man knew. Although she had never spoken to him, why would someone of her status talk to a measly God-Tier cultivator from a S-Tier kingdom?

Although she hadn't been born yet, as technically she was still in incubation, waiting for the right type of energy to break her out, she had a brilliant idea 15 million years ago.

'Why don't I find someone for my vessel?'

Although she had waited so long, what was time for a being like her?