Questions for Future of Story (About R-18)

1. How do you guys like the story so far?

2. How often should I include R-18 scenes (is the frequency too much?)

3. 5 Chapters a day?

4. Boobs or butt?

5. I really just need the answer to question 2 but thank you for reading.

My thoughts: I love cultured stories, which is why I'm writing one. But I've been told by some authors I respect that I may be putting too many scenes in. But I need my reader's opinion more than theirs, so please let me know. (Either way, I will put it in for scenes that need it)

Options: 1. Include scenes at the same frequency (2 in every 10 chapters ish)

2. More around every 20 or so chapters.

3. A few here or there.

4. Why the fuck are you making a smut novel?