Is The Heavens Wanting Me To Conquer Mother-Daughter Pairs?

Shocked by the little creature's words, Ryan regretfully stared at the Queen's corpse.

'That mouth could have done so many things,' Ryan sighed.

Deciding things were too strange, Ryan withdrew from the event and activated his token to leave.

'So much for my 'win or die mentality,' Ryan thought, shaking his head.

Arriving back in the Dawn Pavilion, Ryan quickly exited the building and headed towards the nearest teleportation array.

Little did he know, someone was following him. Someone he wouldn't have been able to sense even if he had checked with his bloodline.


Arriving back at the academy, Ryan first contacted the Duchess and set up an appointment for the evening.

He was hellbent on securing Yoko tonight, and if he couldn't get the damned bird, he'd storm the Duchess' castle himself.

"Girls!" Ryan called, entering his palace.

Soon an assortment of women, including Emily, Lizzy, Izzy, Grace, and Zoey, arrived before him.