Necklace of Holy Dragon Blood

After saying goodbye to the guards and taking a map they so graciously provided, Ryan made his way toward the Dragon Capital.

"Is... Is that...?" Ryan whispered as he approached the gigantic golden towers floating high above him, their presence casting an eerie light across the kingdom below it.

Yoko chuckled. 'Don't be surprised by this sight. Wait until you see the rest of the Multiverse. This city will look like a child made it out of clay in comparison.'

Aiming his sword upward, Ryan started his trek toward the sky city, passing by a multitude of dragons, some of who nodded in greeting as they passed, while others blew steam out of their nostrils and turned away.

'Looks like all dragons aren't made equal,' Ryan thought.

'Don't call these things dragons,' Yoko said, disgusted. 'These things barely qualify as lizards compared to me.'

Ryan fell silent. He had heard these types of comments more and more from Yoko as she seemingly got used to his presence.