A Dragon's Song

The Dragon Empress sat on the edge of her seat, an inch away from falling off.

Her vision was fixed on the last kickoff deciding the final participant.

As the Red Team member who touched the ball got tackled, the Dragon Empress screamed, "It's your chance. Go!"

Her breath caught, watching as Ryan got the ball and started his journey down the field.

"Oh no! He's going to pass it again, isn't he," she muttered, seeing three open Blue Team members.

The Dragon Empress placed her hands atop her head as she bit her lower lip in anticipation of the outcome.

Watching as Ryan suddenly stopped, she held her breath, waiting for his decision.

"He shot!" she exclaimed.

"He scored!"

She was so happy that she almost missed what Ryan said.

"He… he's so smooth!" she gasped.

"I wonder if he can back up those words in the bedroom," the Dragon Empress purred.

She was so excited at what happened that she hadn't noticed her microphone was on.