A Set Up [R-18]

After the conversation finished, the groups split into two, one with Isabelle's crew, with Isabelle and her two minions, and Ryan's crew, composed of Ryan, Gwen, and Amanda.

Arriving at a club, Ryan saw a familiar sight of large male bouncers at the door in dark sunglasses.

Although Ryan detected one noticeable difference immediately, the line was full of women.

"Come, we get to skip the line," Amanda said, beckoning Ryan toward her as the three walked toward the front of the line, where the bouncer nodded at Amanda.

"He's with us, too," Amanda said, nodding to Ryan.

The bouncer only took a second before nodding his head.

Entering the club, Ryan felt the familiar popping music and loud environment of the clubs on earth.

The dim lighting mixed with the strobe lights created an almost hypnotic effect that made one want to either dance or puke.

'Ah, same old club.'

When the trio stepped a few feet in, a lady was already there, waiting to serve them.