Zol'Gan Empress's True Desire

Ryan grinned. "Well, I wouldn't be opposed to giving you some of my meat to taste for dinner."

The Zol'Gan Empress's eyes sparkled, and she licked her lips. "Is that so? But that will have to wait. I hear we have business to discuss."

Waving her hand, a table and a set of chairs appeared in front of her. On the table sat piping hot tea, fruit, bread, salads, and an assortment of cheeses.

"Let us get down to business then," the Empress said, sitting across from Ryan with an expectant smile.

Ryan shivered at the sight. 'I thought this woman only smiled when bad things were about to happen...'

{I think something bad is about to happen,} Yoko said as if reading his mind.

"I heard from Velmuuth that you took an oath against the Human Empire, but you know one can never be too careful. Would you mind me seeing it?" The Zol'Gan Empress asked while taking a sip of her tea.