Meeting An Old Acquaintance [R-18]

As Ryan walked away from the girls, he wondered if he could get into this competition, as it would be a surefire way to contact Mila.

Deciding he needed more information on the competition, he headed toward the information bizarre.

After entering the information bizarre, he found the familiar walls filled with holographic screens and decided to see if his old 'friend' Bee was still around in the enhancer section.

Unfortunately, she wasn't, so Ryan would have to catch up with the little girl who conspired to kidnap him later.

Turning his attention to the information booth in the middle of the room, he stood in line for a few minutes before it was his turn.

"What can I do for you, sir?" the attendant asked in a chipper tone.

"I'd like to purchase an information packet on the competition. After that, anything from competitors from other regions to the schedule will suffice," Ryan answered.