"How are you? When do you plan to head home?" I inquired, and she responded with a smirk.

"I can head home today, Ana. Why not try apologizing to mom and going back to our place to get updated," she casually remarked.

I nodded and brushed off her suggestion. Despite wanting to apologize and return home, my pride held me back, especially at this moment. It felt like they were against me, and I was at a loss about what to do.

"Where are you staying?" Ares asked me, chuckling as I looked at him.

"I thought you had no interest in asking that," I said bitterly, turning my gaze away. I noticed a frown forming on his forehead.

"I'm staying at Elena's place and came here to get my bruise checked. Just in case you're curious," I mentioned nonchalantly, making his forehead furrow even more.

"What are you implying? I tried asking you yesterday, but you didn't tell me anything," he replied sternly, sounding somewhat upset.