In a flurry of emotions, I slapped my palm against my forehead. His words left me reeling, unsure how to process them. Why did he have to be so blunt? Doesn't he understand the art of subtlety, or even posing his inquiries indirectly?

I nervously chewed on my lower lip, trying to craft a suitable response. Uncertainty still clouded my thoughts. Why...?

To Unknown Number

Please, stop bothering me.

After hitting 'send,' I turned to Elena, who was engrossed in her phone. In a sudden change, her focus shifted to me, catching me off guard.

"Have you seen this yet?" Her grave tone made me furrow my brow. Before I could respond, she moved closer, displaying her phone.

As I glanced at the screen, my chest tightened. It was an article about Ares and Hector. These two siblings were often in the news, but this was the first time their stories intertwined in a single article.