"Shit…" I heard him whisper. His brow furrowed even more.

"I can't bring you inside the conference room," he said, making it sound like a major concern.

"I'm fine out here," I replied with a shrug, attempting to withdraw my hand as it was getting sweaty, but he seemed insistent, leaving me frustrated.

"I can't leave you here alone," he said, turning somewhere as if looking for someone.

"She'll be fine here alone, Hector. I told you not to bring that woman here," Ayanna said, shooting a sharp look at me.

I couldn't help but feel irritated every time she mentioned that name.

"If you're still not getting it, Ayanna, just stop being a nuisance to her," he simply said to the woman and turned back to me.

"Let's go. I'll leave you with Amanda," he stated, pulling me along once more.

"Where are you going, bro? It's starting—"

"I'll be right back," he said quickly as we walked out of the hotel.