I fell silent, lacking the energy to spar with him. As we strode to the elevator, I scanned the faces around us, noting their fleeting states. In that cramped elevator, it felt as though there were countless eyes watching us. My hand, still clasped by his, was damp with sweat.

"Any plans for tomorrow?" he asked suddenly, the enclosed space amplifying his voice.

I met his gaze and responded curtly, "I'm busy."

His penetrating look made my pulse quicken.

"I knew you'd say that," he muttered before falling silent. Just then, my phone buzzed, disrupting the charged atmosphere.


Someone's asking for you, Ana. How did they find your place?

I withdrew my hand from Hector, hastily replying to Elena.


Who is it??

"Who are you texting?" Hector inquired.

I kept my phone away, answering evasively, "None of your business."