It was exactly five o'clock when I finished. Despite not having seen my overall appearance yet, I felt reassured by Riley and Elena's reactions.

"Social party, isn't it? I'm sure your ex and your brat sister will be there too. You look exactly right. The face of revenge!" Riley nodded and ushered me towards the large mirror.

When I saw myself, my mouth fell open. My makeup was simple, and like my gown, my lipstick was red. My hair remained loose but curled at the ends. I almost didn't recognize myself.

"Apollo's outside, Ana. Shall I let him in?" Elena asked me.

I quickly turned to her and shook my head. I didn't speak anymore and went to the room where Amari was. I excused myself to her teacher first, and when we were left alone, she smiled upon seeing me.

"You're beautiful, mommy," she said and hugged me.

"Mommy will go somewhere for a while, baby. Behave here, okay?" I told her softly. She looked up at me, and her smile widened.