
It's late at night, and the moon is covered by clouds, bringing eerie darkness. On this very night, there's an old apartment complex, enveloping the area in silence, until a maddening scream reverberated throughout the apartment. Listening to it you'd think it's some grudge-filled ghost screaming for murder. But despite the scream, nobody seems to be paying mind to it, as if it's the usual occurrence.

"Damn you I said go mid why are you farming top like an idiot! I'm F****** Done!" He then proceeded to abandon the game, resulting in a one-week ban on his account.

A sudden banging resounds on his wall screaming "Kid how many times do I have to tell you to keep it down! Do you want me to give you a whooping!"

"Ha! I'd like to see you try; I'll report you for child abuse then!" Showing a sly grin before shutting off the computer and getting ready to hit the hay.


"Man, that geezer hounds me every day, if only the room was soundproof" After I freshened up, I was about to go to bed until I heard a sudden knocking on my door, scaring the living daylights out of me.

I mutter softly "Is that geezer really here to beat me up, maybe I shouldn't answer then?" And slowly approach the door looking through the peephole, seeing a delivery man.

I sigh in relief until I realize that deliveries aren't done at this time "That's a bit odd, maybe it's some robber or something? Pft no way, there's nothing to rob at a place like this." That's when the loud knocking happens again, strangely in the same exact Rhythm and intensity.

I brace myself and open the door "U-um, how can I help you?" I noticed the uniform he was wearing seems to be from some obscure company I can't recognize, his face is one you'd look at and forget the next moment.

Despite the average bearing, something seems almost wrong with his face. He has regular brown eyes and hair, with a slightly raised smile frozen on his face. His eyes are the oddest as they are strangely empty, bordering on uncanny valley. 'what's with this guy...'

He starts speaking in an almost mechanical way "Ah yes, I have a delivery by the person named Rob Steele for you, here you go." He suddenly pushes the box onto me with that same frozen smile of his.

I look down on the box and sure enough, the name Rob Steele is printed on the label along with my name Warren Steele. I mutter to myself "What kind of weird thing did my dad send this time" and then realize I've ignored the delivery man this whole time.

While looking at the box I say, "Hey so do you need me to sig-WHA!" When I look up his face takes up my whole vision making me feel like I've gone into an ice freezer with goosebumps on my skin.

I felt like my whole body was stuck, we were both still and silent for at least 20 seconds before he suddenly said, "I've completed my delivery, so I'll be on my way now, it was nice to meet you warren; Have a nice time." And then walked away in perfectly steady steps.

For some reason, I felt strangely uncomfortable with the way he said that last statement but can't pinpoint why. "What a weirdo, let's forget him and take a look at what my dad sent me." I close the door quickly not wanting to let the cold air in and put the box on my bed to take a look at the contents.

My dad was a weird one, seemingly obsessed with myths and legends of different time frames, he would send me weird and ominous trinkets and such. I still remember the time I got bullied as a little kid because I brought a snake head for show and tell. Shove your baseball up your a** Tim! Your choice was basic!

He would also go out for extended periods leaving me alone with some funds, not to mention he forced me to learn all sorts of stuff like myths, meditation, martial arts, and even mechanical knowledge!

Of course, while I am complaining, I don't hate my dad. He's the only one who took care of me when times were tough, and who doesn't have some weird quirks here and there?

While reminiscing, I open the box and check out what's inside. "Huh? Seems like he didn't send much this time" There were three things; A letter, something that seems like an instructional manual, and a pocket watch. I first look at the letter that's probably from my dad and open it up which read:

[Dear Warren,

In addition to giving you the watch with the instructions, I sent this letter to inform you we won't be able to meet for a while, as this is what's best for you. I'm sorry but this needs to be done, good luck.

From Dad.]

After reading the letter, just like that guy who gave me the box the last statement gives me a bad feeling. "What the hell is this? Isn't it the usual that we don't meet?" I uncomfortably put the letter away and look at the instruction manual.

"Let's see, it says here 'Wind the minute hand to each number with a 12-second interval, then press down the crown 12 times in succession, finally reset the pocket watch by unwinding it. (Note: make sure at the end of it the hour hand, minute hand, and second-hand points to the 12th digit.)' Man, how complicated, rather than instructions on how to use a pocket watch, it's more like a ritual of sorts."

My dad taught me how to make and disassemble watches before, so these instructions make no sense to me. But if it is a ritual, I can't see any religious or spiritual significance that I know of.

"Alright then! Let's follow these stupid instructions and then go to sleep" Even though I say that this night was way too weird. I feel like something irreversible will happen for some reason, but as they say, curiosity killed that cat. I follow the first step making sure the minute hand goes to each number with the proper interval, a strange tension begins to grow the higher I go.

From 1 to 2, I was calm but as it went to 3, my heartbeat slightly sped up. From 4 to 7, I noticed that it was strangely silent and suffocating around me. 8 to 10, I had cold sweats on me as I convinced myself that those subtle scratching sounds were my imagination. A part of me wanted to stop but my body at some point stopped listening. And finally, from 11 to 12, my chest felt like it was about to burst from the pressure.

After the last digit was done I rapidly and roughly pressed the button as if to relieve the pressure I was feeling. Every press was as if something pounded in my head, bringing me to the brink of breaking down. I felt the scratching sound get closer and closer as if I didn't finish in time something terrible will happen. 'Damn it what the hell is this!' I try to press faster but it seems that wiled up the speed of the scratching sound, grating my ears terribly. Just as I pressed the last button there was a feeling of a breath on the back of my neck which shortly disappeared as if disappointed that it didn't make it in time.

The strange tension I was feeling the whole time seemed to disappear as I lay on my bed gasping for air. "W-what the hell was that! this whole thing better be worth it" I then lift the watch resetting everything as the instructions say and waited for something to happen in excitement.

-One minute

-Five minutes

-Twenty minutes

-Twenty fiv...

"Are you kidding me?! Nothing happened, this is a scam! I want a refund" I then realized that this wasn't paid for and coughed in embarrassment.

Another banging happens from the neighbor, and I defend myself desperately "Hey this wasn't my fault this time, okay? I won't make a peep from now on so don't give me another sermon!"

The banging stops and no more noise occurs, thinking that I convinced him my mood went better. "I guess someone as charismatic as me can just about convince anyone huh."

Remembering the pocket watch I mutter a sigh "Was everything just my overimaginative mind tricking me?" Deciding to get some sleep, I lay down in bed going into dreamland. Not noticing the watch giving off a subtle but profound glow.


After the middle-aged banged on the wall, he lost strength and muttered a desperate whisper which can't be heard by anyone. "Urgh... Someone, please save me! I don't want to die!"

*Scratch* *Scratch* *Scratch* *Scratch* *Scratch* *Scratch* *Scratch* *Scratch* *Scratch*

The man desperately tries to run away but suddenly his legs are pierced by an extremely long and grotesque nail. Dragging him quickly into the shadows of the room, where muffled screams resound and slowly but surely get weaker, and silence prevails once again. Shortly after an oddly shaped being comes out of the shadows simply looking at the apartment next door for a moment before disappearing completely.