
After hearing that sound, I instinctively rolled the body off me and ducked behind a pile of boxes.


It was a good thing I did so too, considering the bullet landed where my head once was. 'Out of the frying pan and into the fire as they say huh.' It was then that I heard a deep growling-like voice.

"You bastard! I knew you weren't trustworthy, if only I ended you before things developed to this!" I can tell from the voice that's probably Ken; he is pretty damn upset.

I yell in a helpless tone. "He attacked me first! He was fine the first moment and suddenly went crazy!" Knowing that this excuse probably won't cut it, I still hide to prevent myself from getting shot.

"Bullshit! If you don't come out here at the count of three, I'll set fire to the room and trap you in it!" I knew he's basically gone crazy in rage, trying to set a fire despite the ramifications of such actions.

"Hey, let's calm down setting a fire while escape is unknown is idiotic, and you know that!" I start to panic, knowing if he actually did such a thing, I'd be utterly screwed.

'I knew I said into the fire, but I didn't mean it like this!' Too bad I suppose, he starts counting down anyway.

"Three! Two! On-"


Just as I was about to charge out in hopes of escaping, I heard some sort of subtle cracking sound reverberating in the room, followed by a manic voice. "HAHAHA, I don't see you looking down on me now huh? You can't command me as some henchman you stone-hearted witch!" Surprisingly, the voice seems to be from the timid cop Danny.

I take a peek through the gap to see Danny with crazy red eyes about to hit a second time, was pushed by that punk kid Liam who yelled. "You crazy asshole, what the hell are you doing!" After pushing him away, Liam checks on Jane who's completely unmoving.

After a quick check and noticing the back of the neck is completely dislocated Liam gets completely pale as he says in shock. "S-she's dead!" After he regains his bearings, he jumps into a rage and tries to confront Danny.

"Why the hell did you suddenl-" Just as he was speaking and about to charge at him, he noticed the gun in Danny's hand, which was probably grabbed from Jane as she fell.

Danny shows a vicious smile of superiority as he says in a jubilant tone. "Now that she's dead, nobody can tell me what to do! I don't have to live in fear because I'll be the fear from now on!" Just as he was about to pull the trigger on Liam.

*Bang* Another gunshot resounds, but it wasn't done by Danny, as he now has a splattered head. Sudden silence occurs as Ken slowly puts the gun in his holster and took a deep breath in dismay and realization. The subtle silence resounds for at least ten seconds until the mother of Liam yells in fright and quickly hugs her son while saying. "Liam my dear baby are you alright?! Please don't do anything like that again okay?!" The middle-aged man awakens from his stupor as well and looks around in fear.

Just as I felt incredulous at the sudden events, I notice something odd with the body of Mark. There were subtle jerking movements on the body and especially around the head area. As I took a closer look, suddenly a hole burst from his temple as a weird wiggling worm was moving away quickly. 'Ugh, that's disgusting to look at.'

Holding back my disgust, and noticing it was trying to pass by me, I held it gently in place with my shoe. It started wriggling in desperation as I picked up my pocket watch from the floor to get an analysis and find out exactly what made Mark and Danny like this. After checking out the information I was terrified.

[Analysis complete, here are the results.

Desire Parasite: A parasite that feeds off the innermost desires of a person to incubate. While unknown on the exact details of how someone gets infected it has been determined that the more someone represses their desires, the more likely the infection chance is. The speed of incubation and total control is based on how realistic said desire is achievable based on the user's subconscious, and once incubated, will do anything to achieve said desire regardless of the consequences. (Warning-Do not kill the parasite that has grown out of a dead body, as it does no harm. The death of such a parasite will cause it to let out a death cry which causes all dormant and active parasitized beings to go berserk and slaughter everything in its vicinity.)]

After reading such a description, I felt truly glad that I didn't decide to kill it on a whim. 'What a terrifying creature' Just as I was about to relax, I heard that middle-aged man say something that caused me to get goosebumps.

"What the hell is this disgusting thing?!"

I quickly yell out. "STOP! Don't kill it!!" But it was too late as the middle-aged man stomped on it heavily, destroying more than half its body.



Hearing the death cry, I immediately yell out while getting out of cover. "We have to leave now! That cry just now is calling a horde!" They look at me in confusion and disbelieve at what I'm saying.

While they stood still in confusion, I grab many things that could be useful for escaping quickly. I first grab a bag where I can easily reach for things with my left hand. Then proceed to grab two molotovs, a lighter, and a fairly large knife. I move the molotovs into the small bag, the lighter in my pocket where the watch is, and keep the knife in my hand. When I finished, I noticed they are sitting still so I say in a slightly fed-up tone. "If you want to stay here and die, go ahead! I'm getting out of here." And as if agreeing with my statement multiple cries of madness ring out in the distance.



The cries bring everyone out of their trance, and the detective becomes silent for a moment before yelling. "Everyone let's go quickly! We are going to head to the entrance and escape!" At his words, the others quickly follow in desperation and fear.

We immediately run to the hallway hoping to make it before the horde comes. But unfortunately, the cries are coming closer from all directions. 'This isn't good, I never got a chance to properly rest and heal my injuries, and my stamina is also almost depleted.' Knowing my luck, we aren't getting out of this without a fight.


Out of nowhere, a person with blood-red eyes appears in front of me with a violent scream. Knowing I can't afford to slow down, I charge even faster and fiercely slash at the neck, causing it to fall down helplessly. But that isn't the end as even more show up, bringing a sense of a maddening bloodbath about to occur!

Ken says in a rushed tone. "There's too many in front of us, we'll have to take the stairs to the second floor and go back down on the opposite side!" He then proceeds to lead us up the stairs when suddenly the middle-aged man whose name I never learned suddenly trips.

"Ahhhh! Someone, please help me!" In a fit of panic, he tries to grab the closest thing to him, which was the mother's ankle causing her to fall down the stairs with him. The mother looks dumbfounded as she falls.

"LIAM!" Hearing his name, Liam looks back only to see his mother falling into a horde of bloodthirsty beasts. Seeing this, Liam immediately tried to rescue her until Ken stopped him.

Before the mother gets caught, she yells with a gentle look in her eye. "Liam, run and don't look back!"

"Let me go! I need to save her!" Desperately trying to escape his hold, he reaches out as he sees her torn to shreds.

"AHHHHHHHH!" Yelling and crying incoherently, Liam seems to have lost all sense of life with empty eyes.

"This is all my fault, if only I was a better son who didn't get into trouble all the time!" As Liam is in a spiral of self-doubt, Ken comes to support him.

To buy time while Ken is trying to get Liam to his sense, I grab a desk and push it on the stairs, causing it to fall and crush many of the parasitic humans.

As I come back to them, I hear Ken saying. "Remember your mother's last words! We have to keep on moving."

At the mention of his mother, Liam gets up and nods with his still empty eyes. I then say. "I slowed them down a bit, but I don't know when they will recover so we have to move soon." We then move at a fast pace reaching the stairs down and the front entrance comes into view.

As we see the entrance Ken yells. "We made it! Just a little more to go, let's hurry!" We then do a last sprint toward the entrance. Thinking I was finally going to make it, I pick up my pace until I suddenly notice a large shadow overhead.

Looking up I promptly yelled. "LOOK OUT!"