Hero Exam

Day of U.A. Exam




In his family's backyard, Sora was moving his body fiercely. Stretching his body and flexing his muscles in certain rhythms, Sora activated the stimuli in his body.


The stimulated points began to tremble and resonate with each other as they activated the potential hidden within his body and strengthened each cell and molecule.


Sora exhaled lightly, hot air leaving his body.

His figure remained steady as he stood upright in his family's backyard.

Unlike the first time he trained in this body forging technique, Sora was now able to remain steady on his feet now instead of falling.

Taking a deep breath, Sora relaxed his body and felt the strength brimming in his body.

Looking to his right where he had set up metal plates of varying thickness, Sora stepped up to them.

Some of the more thinner plates had holes in them of varying sizes. The thicker ones had dents on them, proving that they were more resistant.

This was Sora's method of testing his strength and control.

Walking over to a metal plate that was nearly three inches thick, Sora got into a horse stance.


Striking forward with two fingers, Sora struck the metal plate and made a large dent in it.

Sora drew back his arm and struck forward once more in a different manner than before.


This time with a palm strike, Sora's palm struck hard onto the surface of the metal plate.

Another dent was formed, far wider than the other dent formed with his finger jab but with less depth.




Pulling back his arm and striking multiple times in different forms, Sora frowned. No matter if struck with a fist, his elbow, or even his finger, they were all unsatisfactory strikes.

It was disappointing since he couldn't concentrate the force of his strength into a singular point. It would constantly disperse and cause these dents.

Usually, when one is able to properly concentrate their strength into a singular point of their strike, dents would still form, but they wouldn't spread outward. Instead, they would form dents in the form of whatever caused them.

In other words, the piercing strength and concentrated damage improves.

The dents would end up forming dents in the shape of fists or palms instead of simple formless dents.

Looking down at his bandaged hands, Sora smiled a little.

In these two years, he had never missed a single day of training.

Turning his head, Sora turned his gaze over to the heavy metal rod in the distance. It was the item Sora used in order to train his sword skills, however he stopped after a while.

What was the point of training in the sword when not even his body could listen to him well? For such a thing, Sora decided to put it to the back of his head for now. There would always be a time for it.

"Baby? Eat your breakfast! Today is U.A.'s Exam, I wouldn't want you to leave on an empty stomach," Akira yelled from inside the house.

She was excited.


The day she had waited for ever since Sora told her that he does want to become a Hero. She helped him whenever she could and even bought a house near the school so that he doesn't need to make long trips to come here to U.A. High School.

Now, all he needs to do is obtain a good score in the exam and he will be in!

"Okay, mom," Sora chuckled.

He wiped his sweat away and entered the house before beginning to eat his breakfast.

A simple meal made from vegetables Sora had personally grown. He can guarantee not just their taste, but the amount of nutrients they can offer. They were multiple times more healthy than any vegetables out there in the world.

Something Sora had to do because of the crazy amount of nutrients his body needed as it grew stronger.

Finishing his meal, Sora gave his mother a hug and a kiss before heading straight to the U.A. examination area.

"Today is the day," Sora muttered, feeling his thirst for battle build up.

Many years had passed since he had last participated in a good battle.

Sparring with Ryou didn't let Sora feel the thrill, but after reading a couple of articles online, Sora knew what was coming.

With a smile on his face, Sora fixed his school uniform with his bandaged hands and entered the large auditorium before him.

He ignored everyone standing around him and was just about to walk into the building when he noticed a rather cheerful young man before him.

"Haha! This will be fun! U.A. here I c-!"

Sora watched in awe as the young man fell through the floor. The young man's clothes fell to the floor and the young man's head was the only thing sticking out of the floor.

Despite what had just occurred to him, the young man laughed.

"Hahaha! How embarrassing!"

Every student in the surrounding looked at the young man.

"What the hell is he doing?"

"A clown?"

"Using his quirk? He's going to get in trouble…"

"That laugh… what an annoying sound!"

Sora listened to everyone's complaints and ridicule and could only shake his head inwardly.

His extremely sharp senses, which had been strengthened and enhanced because of his Great Body Forging Technique, Sora could tell that the young man was caught by surprise. He understood in an instant that this young man couldn't control his quirk at all.

With a small smile, Sora took a step forward.

"Need any help?" Sora asked, his golden eyes looking at the young man.

"That'd be greatly appreciated! Can you grab my clothes for me and drag me over there?"

The young man smiled and looked over at the area he wanted Sora to take him.

Nodding, Sora picked up the young man's clothes and bent down to grab the young man by the face.


The young man watched in awe and surprise as Sora's hand covered his face and lifted him up slightly. His upper body that was bare was out in full view to the other students as Sora took him to a secluded spot.

"Fank vu!"

The young man thanked Sora as he tried talking across Sora's palm.

"No problem. I'm sure your friend would have stepped up," Sora said, his eyes shifting over to another young man who is nervously looking over at him.

Noticing Sora's gaze, the young man averted his gaze shyly.


The young man in Sora's hand, who had blonde hair and an optimistic personality, laughed at Sora's words.

"My name is Sora."


Sora nodded before finally arriving at the secluded spot.

"I'll see you later at the examination."


Leaving, Sora watched as Mirio's nervous friend began to finally walk over to Mirio.

'What a shy guy,' Sora thought as he eventually returned his gaze to the auditorium.



Beginning the exam was a speech given by a Pro Hero, Present Mic.

Present Mic's Quirk is Voice, a quirk that allows Present Mic to change the volume of his voice to varying degrees.

Listening to Present Mic, Sora paid attention to the important points.

There will be two forms of exams, the first one will be the usual exam, an Scholar Exam that determines the intelligence of the student.

Following the Scholar Exam is the Hero Exam, where they are taken to special places within U.A. to fight against Villain Robots that grant Villain points to students.

Sora wasn't worried about the Scholar Exam at all, so he only paid special attention to the Hero Exam.

According to the papers and what Present Mic was saying, there are four types of Villain Bots.

Each type offered a different amount of points and one offered none at all.

Type A: 1

Type B: 2

Type C: 3

Type D: 0

Aside from not offering any Villain Points, the Type D Villain Robot was the strongest and most dangerous villain amongst the other Villain Robots.

At the end of the speech, everyone was sent to a large area to complete the Scholar Exams.

Everyone was heavily monitored in order to make sure that no one cheated on the tests.

Three hours.

It was the amount of time offered for everyone to finish the Scholar Exam that consisted of 200 multiple choice questions, 30 short answer questions and finally, 5 long answers.

Under such time constraints, not many finished the Scholar Exam.

U.A. wouldn't hold them accountable, they offered so little time in order to see how the students think under pressure.

Obvious to say, Sora completed the Scholar Exam in less than an hour. With his hand speed and intelligence, Sora didn't even think twice as he instantly answered every question he saw.

He was fully confident of achieving 100% on this exam.

"That concludes the Scholar Exam! Yeahhh!!"


Present Mic stood in front of everyone with a smile on his face and a flamboyant pose. Awkward silence filled the air after Present Mic's yell.

"Now let's get to the Hero Exam!"


All the students yelled in excitement at Present Mic's words.

A large portion of the students were here only for the Hero Exam. The other portion were there for the other classes that are offered at U.A. such as the Support Department.

After the announcement, U.A. allowed the examinees to wear clothes that they had been told to prepare. Clothes that they are comfortable using with their quirk.

Moving locations, Sora watched in amusement as they were taken to an area with buses. They boarded the buses and were then separated as they went to different locations.

These locations they were taken to were different entrance points to a small city made by U.A. for training purposes.

This small city was named Ground Beta.

For the sake of the Hero Exam and so that students that knew each other don't help out each other during the exam, U.A. had divided the city into many parts by building walls.

In just a few moments, everyone was ready for the exam to begin.

Sora was wearing his Chinese martial arts uniform. It was the clothes he felt most comfortable in to perform his martial arts, no matter how terrible his current skills are.

Clenching his fists, Sora looked at his bandaged hands. He had been training harshly for many years.

Now, it was time to see what he had achieved so far.

Everyone stood in front of a huge gate, waiting for the exam to begin.

Closing his eyes, Sora silently waited for the moment the gate opens.

"Sora! Hahaha! We meet again!"

Hearing a loud laugh, Sora opened his eyes and turned to look at the source.

"Mirio," Sora said as he noticed the blonde haired boy approach him with a wide smile.

"Thanks again for earlier! I'd be the butt of the joes around here if I was seen naked," Mirio said loudly with a laugh.

Some of the other examinees shot weird and curious glances at Mirio after hearing what he said.

"Hm," Sora smirked. "It's nothing."

"Hahaha! Let's be friends," Mirio said, stretching out his hand towards Sora.

Looking at Mirio's smile and honest eyes, Sora nodded.

"Friends it is," Sora said as he stretched out his own hand.



Mirio looked at Sora with a wide smile as he looked at his hand that traveled through Sora's hand.

"Hah," Sora chuckled and shook his head lightly. "Looks like your little problem happened again."

"Yes, it did," Mirio said with a light laugh.


Without thinking about it, they both slapped their hands together once more into a handshake.

Their eyes met and they nodded.

"I will see you inside," Sora said as he turned and suddenly began running to the gate.

Mirio looked at Sora, a little confused.

The exam had yet to start but Sora was already running. Yet as he saw Sora run, Mirio noticed the gates opening.

"There's no countdown everyone! Run!!"

With that yell from Present Mic, Mirio finally reacted as he focused back on Sora who had already run past every other contestant and through the gates.

"Hahaha! This will be fun!"

Mirio smiled, his face turning a little serious as he began running.


Yet before he could run far into Ground Beta, Mirio's quirk suddenly activated as he slipped through his clothes and the floor.