Research / 'Fuck'

Grabbing some metal bars he used for training, Sora crudely began to bend them around the nomu and binding it. He grabbed a metal sheet he uses for training and punched a hole in its center before placing it over the nomu's mouth and clamping it shut.

Once it was bound, Sora took it into his shed to study it. Surprisingly enough, after the nomu was bound, it no longer moved or struggled.

Sora didn't question it much as he could see that the nomu was simply being controlled.

He looked at it's eyes, checked it's physiology, inspected it closely and even drew some of its blood.

What he got from the tests were rather surprising.

Just like how he expected, the nomu used to be a normal person, or a large majority of it was.

Some parts of its body came from different people and some minor parts were artificial. It's body was naturally strong, but it was genetically modified to be even stronger.

Which allowed this nomu to be able to wield two quirks.

Looking at the nomu, Sora quickly comprehended how the nomu was created. From techniques used to the way the quirks were implanted.

Some things were unique, like how the quirks were made and infused into the nomu, but with his comprehension, Sora simply created his own methods.

Perfected methods.

He could instantly tell that the quirks weren't real, but artificially created quirks that were made based off real quirks. Genetically modified as well to be compatible with the nomu's body.

In his head, improved and enhanced blueprints, techniques, and ideas appeared in his head. He comprehended not just the artificial creation of the quirks, but how to create a nomu, strengthen the body to withstand the quirks, and even how to perfectly control them with absolute control.

His study in psychology, programming, and biology all developed different methods and even fused together to create new techniques and methods.

From hypnosis, to coding, and even tempering with the actual human brain, Sora understood how to control someone with absolute control.

As Sora studied and comprehended the nomu, Sora turned his gaze to the robot next to him.

If quirks could be artificially created, he could strengthen the robot in many ways. Super strength, super speed, Mirio's permeation…

Anything was possible to add to the robot.

Rubbing his chin, Sora turned back to the nomu and smirked.

'A great test subject,' Sora chuckled, his eyes narrowing in amusement as he grabbed some tools and approached the nomu.




Kyudai stood next to Kurogiri, awaiting a notification from the nomu he sent to capture Sora. He turned to the computer and looked at it in expectation.

Yet when he saw the notification, his face fell and darkened.


Kyudai felt angry, but his eyes were coated in shock.

'What could have taken down the nomu? A passing hero?'

Kyudai frowned and mumbled to himself as he began to think. He checked the computer and looked at the notification on the screen.

[ has been disconnected.]


Furrowing his eyebrows, Kyudai thought for a moment before the anger dissipated from his face. The shock in his eyes grew as he turned to look at Sora's photo laying on the table.

"Could it be?" Kyudai looked amazed as he moved quickly. Typing on the screen, he pulled up Sora's information and scrolled through it before arriving at a particularly interesting information.

[Accepted into U.A. Highschool… entered Class 1-A… top scorer in both Exams… obtained 1st Place in Hero Exam through both villain points and rescue points…]

Kyudai looked at the information and looked at it quietly.

The more he read the more amazed he was.

Then, desire burst from within him.

'I want him!'

Kyudai realized Sora's importance in an instant.

A strong Regeneration Quirk.

A strong ability.

A smart mind.

He was prime material for a powerful nomu!

"I need to get him, but for that, I have to plan," muttered Kyudai as he already began to brew some plans.

It may have been a shame for him to lose a nomu, but it was only a low-tier nomu. One of his 'failed' products that are only stronger than the average person. They were similar in strength to the weaker side of the Pro Heroes.

"Kurogiri, return from where you came from. Take care of All for One's successor."

Kyudai waved away Kurogiri, who had been standing to the side quietly this entire time.

Without a word, Kurogiri disappeared into a purple swirling mist, returning from whence he came from.

'A plan… this kid will advance my research by many years!'


Walking into school early in the morning, Sora saw Mirio walking into school with a bright smile like always.

"Sora! Morning!"

"Mm, how are you Mirio?"

Mirio approached Sora and walked next to him as they went straight into class. Exposing his pearly whites with a wide smile, he answered Sora's question.

"Great! Slept early and woke up early. I'm filled with the determination to grow stronger and not get expelled!"

Mirio puffed out his chest, fully confident in being able to accomplish what he had just said. His eyes shone brightly and strode forward with steady steps.

Sora nodded as he chuckled lightly to himself.

'What an optimistic guy.'


Mirio's bright appearance dimmed a little as he turned to look at Sora.

"What do you think about Aizawa-Sensei?"

"Him? I think he's a very interesting teacher. From what I can see, he's experienced the dark side of being a Pro Hero. He's attempting to save those who are weak and will only be a danger to themselves."

Hearing Sora, Mirio lowered his head thoughtfully before raising it once more.

"Right! Aizawa Sensei is doing his best for us," Mirio said with bright eyes.

Sora chuckled and they entered class together, finding Tamaki all alone in class. He seat was in the corner of the room, hidden from view of everyone else in class.


"Morning Sora!"

"Morning #1!"

The instant Sora and Mirio entered class, their classmates voiced out greetings to Sora enthusiastically. They also greeted Mirio, but not as enthusiastically.

Sora nodded at them and went straight to Tamaki with Mirio.

"What are you doing here so early? We could have come together?" Mirio asked as he stood in front of Tamaki's desk.

Tamaki lowered his head, ashamed and nervous.

Sora's eyes flickered and he patted Mirio's shoulder, causing the latter to turn around and look at him.

Shaking his head, Sora didn't say more and Mirio simply looked at Sora with his smiling face. It stayed like that for a second before he opened his mouth.

"Tamaki, did you get worried about being expelled? Hahaha!"

Mirio laughed and Tamaki began to lower his head in embarrassment.

"You're one of the best students here, they wouldn't get rid of you so easily," Sora snickered as he gave Tamaki a light slap on his back. "You have the potential to be one of the Top Pro Heroes. Unlike that guy from yesterday who couldn't control his quirk too well."

"Hmmgh…" Tamaki smiled a bit, his face reddening at Sora's compliment. "Thank you."


The bell rang and everyone went to their seats, waiting for Aizawa to begin class. Whilst everyone waited for Aizawa, Sora frowned a little as he eyed the door to the class, waiting for Nejire.


After school came to an end for the day, Sora went directly to Power Loader's Support Studio's laboratory.

In the lab, Sora took out two vials of blood.

One came from the nomu and the other came from Sora.

He grabbed a drop of blood from both the nomu and his and placed it beneath the microscope, studying them and gathering information.

Sora didn't bother with using a notebook and simply memorized everything he saw. He made use of his perfect memorization ability and continued his research.

As he studied, Sora noticed that his blood seemed to be a little special. All the cells were very active unlike the slow cells that came from the nomu.

A side effect of his Regeneration Quirk having a strong effect on his body even when blood has been out of his body for a long time.

Chalking it up to his Quirk, Sora moved on to studying how quirks form in the bodies of humans. He already had his own blood and the nomu's blood, both which had Quirks, whether natural or artificial.

With just these two, Sora didn't need to go look for a person without a quirk to get their blood. All he needed to do now was study and research.

With the two flasks, Sora conducted various tests and studies on them.

Luckily U.A. offered the best equipment for students to study and discover.

Using the electron microscope that Power Loader had and the other devices, Sora discovered all there was to find.

All he lacked were the necessary materials to create an artificial quirk.

That and more blood from other people to research how Quirks form all these various abilities. He discovered how to create a quirk factor and modify how they affect the body, but to further customize them and have them grant specific abilities or have them contain certain restrictions, Sora still needed more blood from other people, preferably those with strong abilities.

Rubbing his chin, Sora gathered his items and put them away as he pondered and further improved the knowledge he comprehended.

With this new knowledge Sora has grasp over, some of his current plans will have to change.

He grabbed a couple of items from the Support Studio before heading home.


Standing in front of a mirror in her room, Akira looked at herself with a barely noticeable smile.

She was wearing lingerie, exposing her beautiful pale white skin. Her curves never looked so alluring and her breasts and round behind looked so supple and soft.

Akira is wearing black lace panty with matching black garter belt and fishnet stockings that elevated the seductive look she gave off. Her long legs and thick thighs paired greatly with the fishnet stockings and her small white feet looked quite gentle with her red painted toenails inside the foot of her fishnet stockings.

She turned her body sideways and stuck her butt out towards the mirror and checked herself out. Placing her hand over her round peachy butt, Akira gave it a light squeeze and moved it.

"How would my baby react if he saw me like this?"

Akira mumbled to herself as she stopped bending over and began thinking about Sora's expression.

Stepping out of her room, Akira's stocking covered feet touched the floor gently as she swayed her hips towards the living room to wait for Sora. She sat in the living room for a couple of seconds before deciding to change her approach.

She stood up from the couch with a mischievous smirk and walked to the front door.


Standing outside of his family's house, Sora stood at the front door. He checked the items that he asked Power Loader for and made sure they were all good before heading into the house.

He turned the knob to the front door and slowly opened the door as he made his way in.

Entering the house, Sora took a step forward and sat on the floor for a second to remove his shoes.


Hearing his barefoot steps coming from behind him, Sora knew it was his mother and didn't turn around just yet to look at his mother. He continued removing his shoes and smiled.

"I'm back from school mom. Are we going to have dinner together today?" Sora asked as he took one shoe off before moving to the next one.


Hearing his mother kneel behind, Sora began to grow curious as to what she was doing but decided to finish changing shoes before turning around.

"Do you want to have dinner together?"

Akira's voice rang out seductively despite how plain it sounded, causing Sora to grow more curious as to what his mother was doing.

Turning his head, Sora's eyes widened as he noticed what his mother was wearing and the erotic pose she was in.

Lying on the floor with her head resting on her arms as she had them laid out in front of her, Akira's left foot rested gently upon her right foot. Her peachy behind was slightly pushed into the air and accentuated her sexy curves and slim waist. Her amber eyes looked straight at him with a teasing look.
