
"Eve, you've gathered enough materials for now. Halt gathering resources and focus on protecting my mom," Sora said as he looked at the shed that was filled with various electronics and other scrap.

Turning his head, he saw the slim and curvy Eve moving her body and setting down a large broken washing machine down and next to the shed.

Lifting her body and turning to face Sora, Eve responded with her mature and robotic voice.

"Yes master."

Eve bowed her body and went off to guard his mother whilst he worked in the shed.

He already made Eve, his mother's secret protector.

Now, he needed to make something that will help with gathering resourcing and having a safe space to make more items and researching.

He turned his head to look at the nomu hidden in the junk and chuckled as it remained there.

With the amount of resources he currently has, he could make about eight robots and a couple of special items.

Doing a little stretch, Sora got to work as he dismantled the various scrap and electronics. He repurposed them and turned them into different things. Heating the metal up with blowtorches and bending it with his own brute strength, Sora slowly finished up a couple of robots.

With the software for these robots already made, Sora just connected them and downloaded it into them.

These robots were vastly different from Eve.

With hands that can be easily interchangeable with tools like pickaxes and shovels. Their bodies were slightly bulkier, allowing them for a greater strength compared to Eve, which made them slower as well. They not only helped in digging or breaking rocks, but they were also for aiding in construction, mechanics, and technology.

He had already downloaded many blueprints into the six robots, showing them what they had to do as they cleared the space and expanded the space.

These were worker robots, specially designed to help Sora. In the future, these robots will be overhauled and changed, but for now, they were his main workforce.

Out of the eight robots he could build, six were worker robots, the others were scavengers.

The scavengers were light in weight but strong enough to bring items like refrigerators. Although it was preferred that they were dismantled in order to be less visible.

The bodies of the Scavengers were slim and were specialized in stealth in order to not be discovered. Like the worker robots, they will also be overhauled in the future and changed.




All eight robots' eyes instantly lit up and they got up and began their work.

Sora watched them work, making sure nothing was wrong with them. He stood there and watched as they got to digging into the ground and removing dirt with their shovel hands.

Minutes passed and Sora felt that they were doing quite well. On the other hand, the dirt they were digging out was piling up.

'I need to get working on that next item…' Sora muttered as he returned to sit behind his desk and began to dismantle various items and electronics.

Sora worked through the night tirelessly.

Building items, instructing the robots, and downloading building plans onto their systems. As they dug and mined through the ground, Sora had them begin construction on what he had planned.

Before he knew it, morning had arrived and Sora finally stopped working.

His progress on a single night was astounding, even more so with the help of the six worker robots.

Packing his stuff, Sora kissed his mother goodbye and went to school.

A great step forward for the day.

It is bright and sunny, Sora could feel the sun warming his body.

Sighing contentedly, Sora turned his head to the right. He looked at the blue haired girl looking at him with a smile as she carried a small metallic puppy in her arms.


Nejire seemed to return to her usual self, although it was most likely that she had finally calmed down rather than being all happy. The robot puppy must have helped her a lot, she must have relied upon to relieve her sadness.

"Did you bring lunch today?"

Sora opened his mouth, and was going to answer Nejire, when she suddenly shoved something into his arms. He held onto the item tightly and looked at her as she sped away.

"It's for you! I'll see you later!"

Nejire sped away and off to school as she left Sora behind.

Sora looked down at the item Nejire had given to him, a bento.


Putting away the bento, Sora looked to where Nejire left and chuckled lightly as he recalled how Nejire had run.

He chuckled, thinking of how he is going to see her in a couple of minutes. They are in the same classes together and running into each other is something that will happen, especially when they sit next to each other.

And sure enough, seeing Nejire shift her eyes away when they made eye contact as he stepped into the class made Sora want to laugh out loud.

Sadly for Nejire, her attempt to turn away was ruined by Mirio who came over to talk to them.

"Something terrible has happened…"

Mirio approached them with a serious look on his face.

He must have experienced great horrors.

"Tamaki… he…"

Mirio's serious expression started to break, unable to hold back his emotions. Tears formed at the corner of his eyes as he struggled to speak.

Even Nejire began to feel nervous. Or rather she was feigning it.

"Is he… is he hurt?"

Nejire asked, joining Mirio to talk. She turned her back to Sora, clearly still embarrassed.

Standing to the side, Sora was speechless by what Nejire was doing. He turned his gaze to the corner of the classroom where Tamaki was playing on his phone quietly.

Clearly, Nejire had seen Tamaki earlier and knew he was fine.

"Tamaki… he killed my Minecraft dog!"

Sora listened to Mirio and Nejire talking for a while until class started and they had to separate.

Turning to look at Nejire, Sora smirked seeing as how she was slightly turned in a way that made it difficult for their eyes to meet.

Looks like even Nejire can experience some embarrassment every now and then.

The classes came to an end and lunch time had arrived.

Sora didn't have the luxury to spend some time with Nejire and the rest at the moment and gathered his stuff before heading to the Support Studio.

As Sora left the room, three pairs of curious eyes wandered over to him. Two focused back on their food but one continued to linger.

"Did he take the bento?"

Nejire tilted her head curiously.

In the lab area of the Support Studio, Sora held three blood vitals in his hand.

Strangely, one of the blood vials has a very dark color to it. It seemed impure and contained other substances within it.

The other two blood vials were of similar - and natural - color.

It was quite obvious whose these blood vials belonged to.

Whoever made the nomu was not much of a genius if they couldn't process pure blood specifically tailored for the nomu. In the end, they had to resort to such 'toxic' blood.

Sora couldn't help but click his tongue in disappointment.

Setting aside the two normal blood vials, Sora focused on the blood he got from the nomu and began studying it.

With the tools and equipment from the support studio, Sora analyzed every portion of the nomu's blood. From its structure to its composition.

Found it.

Sora chuckled as he finished analyzing the blood sample.

After studying the blood for ten minutes, Sora was able to discover quite a bit of interesting information.

From this simple blood sample, Sora was capable of finding out everything.

It might sound a little nonsensical, but when you have intellect and limitless comprehension like Sora, it's like the world strips itself naked for him to see every nook and cranny.

The blood sample was a mixture of blood from teo people, a small amount of other liquids, and a large amount of dead cells.

It seemed that despite the nomu being alive, it was more akin to a zombie in its current state. Like it was constantly deteriorating and that it's strong body had simply slowed down the process. If a living person took over the mind of the nomu, they might experience a traumatic amount of pain.

Ignoring the dead side of the nomu, Sora focused on the blood that came from two different sources.

Looking at it under the microscope, Sora looked at it in slight wonder.

The two different blood have very distinct qualities.

One of them was vigorous and got rid if the dead cells in its path.

On the other hand, the other blood was quite the opposite. It appeared weak and like it was about to die. It would get surrounded by the dead cells and drowned, yet oddly enough, the vigorous blood pushed the dead cells away and dragged the weak blood with it.

From seeing this, Sora understood what was going on.

The weak blood belonged to whatever the nomu used to be. The vigorous blood on the other hand was there to provide support to the weak blood.

It also showed that whoever created the nomu had artificially strengthened it to the level of the blood.

Meaning, that someone naturally strong had been torn apart to create something like the nomu. Their blood had been recycled and artificially recreated.

Frowning, Sora wondered just how many atrocities the creator of the nomu had committed.

Just the nomu itself was one of them.

"Let's go to the next sample," Sora muttered, cleaning the area before pulling a different blood vial.

The vial was labeled 'Mom'.

Since he got blood from the nomu and himself, Sora decided to get some from his mother as well.

She gladly gave him some and didn't question him too much regarding it.

Analyzing it was pretty simple and their wasn't too much to it. The same went for his blood as well, yet there was something that seemed peculiar.

His blood - it appeared different to his mother's.

It wasn't the simple 'they're from two different people', rather it was the fact that for every 1 in million blood cells in his blood, one of them was of a lighter shade of red.

'Strange, I need to study this more,' Sora thought to himself as he cleaned his place.

He put away the empty bento and smiled.

The bento was a lot more delicious than he had expected it to be.

Packing his bag, Sora stepped out of the Support Studio. He no longer needed to be here and will soon be able to do everything at home.

With a slight smirk, Sora took a step out of the room a little hunched as he thought to himself and suddenly felt something warm and squishy envelop his face. A faint and sweet fragrance wafted into his nose and a soft gasp of surprise entered his ears.


The warmth disappeared and Sora saw a woman fall back after crashing into him. The woman had a breastless leather leotard over a skin-tight white bodysuit. Her hair is long and of a dark purple color, her eyes sky blue and she had a beauty mark below her left eye.

She was none other than the R-Rated Hero: Midnight.

Aka Kayama Nemuri