Meeting Toga

Saturday morning has arrived, three days passing since Sora has stopped training his Great Body Forging Technique.

He woke up early, trained his Regeneration Quirk and proceeded to shower before preparing to meet Toga.

Sora wore casual clothes and gathered his stuff.

"Where are you going today, baby?"

Akira stood at Sora's bedroom door with a cup of coffee in one hand, her other arm beneath her breasts and propping them up. She wore her usual robe, black with red edges, exposing her long legs and thick thighs as well as her snowy white cleavage.

"I'm going to meet Toga."

"Toga? It's been so long since I've last seen her, say hi for me."

"She'll be glad to hear from you, mom."

"I'm her favorite Mangaka, I would hope so."

Sora chuckled.

It's been so long since Akira had met Toga and they only met three times. His mother's memory is quite amazing.

"I'll see you later, mom." Sora gave Akira a kiss on the lips before waving goodbye.

Akira nodded.

"This amazing mother of yours will finish another chapter of her manga today, I will need a lot of your wonderful kisses tonight baby," says Akira, following Sora out.

"Haha, look forward to it. Bye!"

Sora smiled, his mother will never change.

He left the house under her watchful gaze and went straight to the meeting location to meet Toga.

"Eve, lead the new guard robots well and protect my mother," Sora mumbled under his breath.

After Sora finished speaking, a pole's shadow shook. Everyone would believe Sora was going crazy and was talking to himself. Yet Sora himself, with his enhanced senses, discovered Eve hiding in the shadow.

She waited for his instructions and listened to him before leaving to fulfill his orders.

Even with all her techniques and strength, Sora could discover her easily with his experience and senses.

Without another word, Sora continued walking.


Walking into a nice family diner, Sora found Toga waiting for him at a two person table. Not many people were at the diner, letting Toga's voice be the center of attention in such a quiet place.

Some people turned their heads curiously and looked over at Toga whilst others turned to look at who she was talking to.

"A date?"

"Quite adorable! But… can they be a little quiet?"

"Want me to ask them to tone it down a bit?"

"Nah, it's fine. Let them be."

They whispered amongst themselves as Sora walked over to Toga and ignored the rest.

"Hey Toga, it's been so long since I've last seen you. I'm glad you're doing fine," Sora expressed.

Sora smiled as he took a seat in front of her.

"Hehe~ you got so much taller, Sora-chi!"

Toga giggled, her cheeks rosy. She narrowed her eyes and smiled widely, her eyes focused on Sora.

They sat together and chatted. The diner waitress approached them and took their order. She left and came back minutes later with their food.

"My mother says hi," Sora suddenly mentions after they finished eating.

Toga's brows rose in surprise.

"Really? How great~"

Tilting her head, Toga brightened up.

"Mm. She's glad to hear that we're keeping in touch."



Sora grew curious. Why is Toga his mother's fan? As far as he knew, Toga didn't like mangas and he was surprised when he heard that she liked the manga his mother made.

"Why do you like my mom's manga?"

Surprised, Toga stopped smiling and looked at Sora. She lowered her eyes a little, her mind replaying the time she had first seen Akira's manga.

In her hand was Akira's manga.

She had once heard from Akira herself that most of her characters were based on people she knew. Thinking of that, curiosity got to Toga as she wondered whether Akira had drawn Sora before.

And that's when she saw it.

A character.

The character appeared just like Sora. Toga's eyes lit up and she bought the book. But it wasn't just knowing that Sora was in the manga that made her buy it, it was-

"Here's the bill, Sir."

The waitress' voice snapped Toga out of her memories and she lifted her gaze. The waitress placed the bill before Sora who accepted it and looked at it curiously. Then, his eyes rose and looked at her after feeling her gaze.

"Ready to go?" Sora ssked with a smile.


Toga nodded, still thinking about Sora's question.

Sora paid the bill and both Toga and him stepped out of the diner. They walked together to a nearby park in silence.

Families walked in the park happily, many letting their children run around. Sitting at a bench together, Sora and Toga were shoulder to shoulder.

After another short moment of silence, Toga and Sora turned to look at each other.

Toga opened her mouth, ready to say something before Sora lifted a hand to stop her.

"It's fine if you don't want to say."

Toga smiled.

She narrowed her eyes joyfully and turned her head slightly before clapping her hands together and interlocking her fingers in front of her face. She looked at Sora from the corner of her eyes and spoke.

"Because you are in it."

"I'm in it?"

Sora leaned back into the bench, mildly surprised that he is a character in his mother's manga.

"You looked so delicious…"

Toga muttered.

Her eyes narrowed into a squint as she looked at the floor before her. Her smile was wide and her cheeks were flushed. Turning her head, Toga looked at Sora with a hazy gaze.

"You were wounded… covered in blood… bruised…"

As Toga spoke, she leaned forward, closer and closer to Sora. Her eyes were fixed onto his and her pale hands were pressing on his chest.

"You looked…"

Toga lowered her gaze, moving her eyes from Sora's eyes down to his neck. She licked her fangs and opened her mouth as she approached his neck. Her hot breath hitting Sora's neck.


Just when Toga was closing her mouth, she felt a shock course through her body as she was pushed back. She widened her eyes in fright and looked at Sora in horror.

"No…" Toga's voice was shaky. "Sora! I-"

Her eyes turned watery as she recalled what she wanted to do. She felt conflicted. Various emotions are running through her.

Hunger, desire, guilt, heartache, sadness, anger…

"Not here."

Toga flinched at Sora's voice. She raised her head and looked at Sora, his head was turned and he was smiling.

"There are children here, silly."

She heard Sora's voice. It was soothing and gentle to her. Her erratic emotions calmed down and she turned to see what Sora was looking at.

There were children in the distance playing around. They ran about and yelled in joy.

As Toga looked at the children playing, she felt a hand on top of her head. She turned her head and saw Sora looking at her with a smile.

"It's okay, I'm here for you. You've held back magnificently these years," Sora whispered to her, his hand patting her head, slowly sliding down to her cheek and caressing it.

Toga raised her eyebrows.

Her teary eyes looked at Sora for a second. Toga closed her eyes as she smiled in joyful relief. Glad that Sora wasn't rejecting her for who she is. Glad that he wasn't disgusted by her.

The pair remained quiet, they sat together in silence. Toga's emotions calmed themselves as Sora took in the scenery.

He felt relatively peaceful as he looked at the surrounding people enjoying their lives.

"Let's go somewhere private."

Sora stood up and stretched out his hand towards Toga. He watched as she gingerly took his hand before looking up at him with wide eyes. She had a small smile on her face and rosy cheeks.

Walking hand in hand, Sora and Toga walked around the park, searching for a hidden spot they could go together.

It wasn't long before they found a good spot behind some trees. It was hidden from view of the people at the park and there was a wall hiding them from view of the rest of the people.

Turning to look at Toga, Sora saw her standing behind him excitedly. She had a smile on her face, eagerly awaiting Sora's signal.

Smilingly sighing, Sora extended his hands out to his sides as if calling Toga over for a hug.

At his signal, Toga turned into a blur as she jumped into his arms. She opened her mouth wide and chomped down fiercely onto his neck.


Toga moaned in satisfaction as she felt Sora's blood flow into her mouth. Sora felt as she nibbled in his neck, hoping to draw out more blood from him. Her tongue dug into his flesh and squirmed about before she pulled back.

Gazing at her, Sora looked at Toga's blood covered mouth. She was smiling widely from ear to ear, her face had such an intoxicated expression. She looked at him with narrowed eyes filled with hunger.

"It's okay…" Sora said, noticing some slight hesitation to continue. "I can heal, remember?"

Sora showed her his neck that she had fiercely bit onto, clearly fully healed with no trace of blood.

Toga leaned in once more, her mouth opening wide to take another bite of Sora and suck out his blood. At least she was, until she stopped.

Her eyes unfocused from his neck and looked at his side profile. Sora was smiling gently, eyes closed, not minding anything she did to him.

"Thank you," Toga muttered.

She leaned close and gave Sora a kiss on the cheek before closing her eyes and resting on Sora's chest. She felt an unprecedented calmness she hadn't felt before. It was like this feeding had calmed her Quirk.

Placing a hand on Toga's back and caressing her gently, Sora let her relax as he leaned against the tree and gazed upon the sky.



Kyudai lifted his head.

He was too deeply immersed in his work to notice someone approaching him. He curiously looked around his lab and found a figure standing in the darkness. Kyudai smiled as he recognized who it was.

All for One.

His friend and leader of their plan.

"All For One!"

Kyudai exclaimed, a little surprised to find All For One walking around the lab. All For One tended to like spacious places and would hardly come to somewhere enclosed like Kyudai's lab unless there was a purpose.

"How goes the plan to capture the Regeneration Quirk holder?" All For One asked. His voice calm but filled with gravitas.

Realization dawned upon Kyudai before he smiled, his mustache moving along.

"Hehe, just four more months and the nomu will be ready to capture him."

Kyudai chuckled, fully confident in his work.

And he had good reason to.

The nomus he makes are all strong and hold many quirks. Their endurance is incredible and some hold artificial regeneration quirks. They are his greatest works!

"Hahaha, good," All For One smirked and gave a low chuckled as he walked away satisfied with Kyudai's response.

Kyudai watched All For One disappear into the darkness. He smirked as he put down his work and walked away.

Walking through the dark corridors, Kyudai arrived in a secret room. Inside, there was a scaled person strapped to a chair.

Their head was covered with a special helmet that kept them unconscious. Strapped to their chest and arms are tubes that constantly drew blood from them. Other tubes injected nutrients into the scaly person.

"With you here, the blood necessary to create High-End Nomus is limitless! Hahaha! Your incredible body has helped me understand how naturally strong bodies are built. You've helped me greatly!"

Kyudai laughed loudly, proud of what he's accomplishing.

"With you, All For One's plan is many steps ahead!"