World Collapses

"Cutie, are you heading out to see your friends?"

Akira looked at Sora from the corridor, watching as he grabbed his shoes and wore them.

"Mm. It's been a week since we last saw each other." Sora nodded, explaining as he stood up and turned to look at his mother.

"Why don't you stay with mommy today?" Akira cooed, a seductive tone in her voice.

Sora looked at Akira with a light smile on his face. Shaking his head, Sora winked at her and walked to the door.

"I'll see you later, mom."

Akira smiled, waving her hand.

Sora walked for a while and went to the arcade. Nejire, Mirio, and Tamaki were there waiting for him.

"Ready to lose? I won't hold back!"

"Hi Sora, it's been a while."

Mirio laughed, his hands on his hips and his chest puffed out proudly. On the other hand, Tamaki smiled and simply waved at Sora.

"Sora! We've been waiting!"

Nejire jumped in front of Sora, a large smile on her face. She turned to look at Mirio and Tamaki. "Let's go play!"

Chuckling, Sora walked into the arcade with all three of his friends.

Together, they all went to a couple arcade machines and played.


Whilst Sora was playing with his friends, Eve was gathering quirks.

For the past couple of weeks, Eve had been going out and retrieving various blood samples. She would come and go at various times, carrying various quantities of blood.

Right now, she was working at a different city, collecting more blood samples from different quirk users. So far, it had all been fairly smooth.

"Strange… what are all these weapons for?"

Eve, hidden in the shadows, had stepped into a large building. In the building are many armed men walking around and protecting something. A large majority of the weapons were katanas and others were firearms.

Eve ignored the weapons and the guards, they had nothing to do with her or her mission. She mobilized the nanomachines, commanding them to turn into mosquitoes before sending them off to do their work.

She strolled through the large residence in the shadows, openly walking past a couple of guards. Her footsteps were awfully silent and her presence was nearly nonexistent.

No one saw Eve as she strolled on by.

"Hm… there's nothing here," muttered Eve, her eyes rolling as she scanned the area.

Turning around, Eve went to the edge of the residence and waited for all the nanomachines to return. She only waited for a couple of seconds before they all returned to her side.

Each mosquito carried a single drop of blood. It's structure and genetic information was all saved into Sora's private cloud storage. The blood was necessary in order to make the quirk recreation process smoother and take less time.

With a nod of her head, Eve took a step out of the residence and began to make her way out. Her business here was over and she began to head to the next location.


Eve's ear twitched.

She stopped in her tracks and turned her head to the side, looking far into the distance. Narrowing her eyes, Eve tried looking for the source of the sniff she heard a second ago.


The sound, filled with fear and pain, made Eve stop. She planned on ignoring it, but something in her tugged at her. Warning in her — or trying to tel her something.

Curiosity filled Eve.


Eve moved, extending her leg forward and shuttling through the shadows. Her figure moved rapidly, her feet stepping rhythmically and her breathing steady.

Perking her ears, Eve focused on her hearing.

"Sniff… ha… ha… sniff…"

"There it is."

Eve followed the noise.

She stepped into an alley, dimly lit by the sunlight. It was dark and damp, small puddles littered the area and trash filled the edges.


Barefoot steps sounded in the alley, stepping in puddles. It sounded hurried and filled with panic.

Hiding in the dark, Eve focused her eyes and looked at a small figure running in the alley.

Frail and small.

It's what Eve thought as she looked at the little girl with white hair run.

Her hair shaggy and unkempt, her arms and legs had bandages, her little feet barefoot and the only thing to cover her body was a dirty gown that appeared too big for her. The little girl's eyes are teary and her breathing is rapid.


The little girl fell, hurting her knees on the alley's hard ground. Her eyes began to water, but she didn't cry. She clenched her little fists and struggled to get back up on her own little feet.

"Eri, what are you doing? All this running does you no good."

Calm footsteps echoed in the alley behind the little girl, a calm voice drowning her weak whimpers.

The little girl, Eri, inhaled sharply. Her face paled and she turned to look at the young man approaching her with tears in her eyes.

"No…" Eri cried weakly.

"Don't make this difficult, Eri."

The young man continued to walk forward without pausing and Eve saw his rather peculiar mask. A plague doctor mask that only covers his mouth.

Narrowing her eyes, Eve remained quiet and hidden.

Eri's lips quivered, she got on her little feet and mustered whatever strength she had left to run. She clenched her little hands and ran.

"Haaa… Eri, this game of tag is getting tiring."

Chisaki Kai

The young man, leader of the yakuza group Shie Hassaikai, is an ambitious sociopath. He carries a dangerous belief that drives his every ambition. The belief that Quirks are an illness and the sickness that drives the people to believe in heroism and villainy.

Kai carries this belief as he aims to rid the world of Quitks. To achieve that, he needs Eri. More specifically, her Quirk.

Rewind. It allows Eri to reverse someone — and possibly something — to a previous state. Including to a point of nonexistence.

Bending his knees, Kai crouched down and sighed as he removed one of his white gloves from his hands. Pressing it down to the ground, Kai activated his quirk, overhaul.

The ground beneath Eri's feet began to shuffle, wrapping itself around her ankles.


Eri yelled in anguish.

"Now Eri, let's head back now."

Putting the white glove back on his hand, Kai began to walk over to Eri. He kept his eyes on her, his hand stretching out towards Eri.

"Noo.." Eri cried quietly, closing her eyes as Kai approached her.

Fear gripped her heart, her little body trembled. Nothing worked. Now she was heading back, to that dark place. Where they tear away at her body and put back piece by piece as they try to figure out how her quirk works.

"Help… please…"

Eri continued to cry, her voice weak as she wished with her entire heart for a hero to arrive and save her. She knew it wasn't possible with how quietly she is yelling, but it didn't stop her from hoping.

"You… what happened?"

Eri flinched.

Who is that? What happened to…

Opening her eyes, Eri saw it.

A silver polished mask, her reflection curved on the mask. Her bright red eyes wide and filled with innocence, her little horn obvious in the mask's prominent curve.

Eri stared at her reflection.



In awe.

"Are you a hero?"

Words finally came out of Eri's mouth. Her bright eyes studying who might be her heroine.

A tall woman, crouching down in front of her. Her silvery white hair loosely braided and over her right shoulder. Over her body, she wore a black silk coat that fit loosely over her body, the sleeves were so long that it covered her hands and kept them hidden.

The pants, like the coat, is made of silk and black in color. They are stretchy and loose, giving Eve great mobility. These two clothing articles were made by Sora for Eve to use the martial arts Sora imparted onto her properly.


Eve shook her head at Eri's question. Standing up, she stretched a hand out to the little girl.

Eri looked at the woman with innocent eyes.

Her little brows furrowed together lightly before smoothening and lifting her little scraped hand up to Eve. She reached out tentatively, her little fingers pressing on Eve's palm gently.



Skipping through the streets happily, Toga held a happy expression on her face. In her hand, her phone was on and with her messaging app open. The last message sent to her was from Sora, only a couple of minutes ago.

Pulling up her phone, Toga looked at the message once more. Her eyes turned into a crescent shape, her smile wide from joy.

[Let's hang out tomorrow.]

Skipping forward, Toga approached her house and paying by various of her neighbors. They were stepping out of their houses and looking towards a certain direction.

Unconsciously, Toga's steps slowed as she realized that they were looking towards her house. The smile on her face fell, curious as to what was happening.

"Is it true?"

"Mm. I heard that their daughter hurt someone."

"Hurt someone? I heard that she killed a boy…"

"Those rumors… I don't know if they are real, but I heard that she has blood bags…"

Blood bags.

Hearing that particular item, Toga felt her blood run cold. She stiffened, fear sprouting in her heart.

"Shh! Look… That's her…"

Whispers began to brew when someone recognized her. Eyes all turned and focused on her. Toga could feel their gazes boring holes into her. They judged her. Criticized her. Their eyes looking at her every movement.

Once again.

Toga felt like she couldn't be herself.

No matter what she did. They judged everything she did for wanting to live as herself. She didn't wish to be constrained by people like these.

She quietly lived next to them for years and drank blood that was offered to her. She never harmed anyone. She never made anyone cry.


Why are they doing this to her?

Toga sped up, trying her best to ignore the gazes of these people. Ignoring their hurtful words, their piercing gazes and cold snorts.

Each of those actions and words just cut at her heart.

Clutching her phone tightly, Toga ran forward, straight to her house. Her heart was beating rapidly, worry began to well up in her heart for what's about to come.

Weeoop! Woop!

Police sirens flared.

Fear gripped at Toga's heart.

The police… they have arrived right outside her house. Two police officers were talking with her parents who had a blood bag in their hands.

Toga's eyes constricted as she recognized the bag of blood. The same one Sora had gifted her a couple of days ago to quell her Quirk's desires.

"That's mine!"

Toga's eyes widened and her mouth opened before she knew it. Her mother handing the blood bag to the police man before her.

At that moment, the two police men turned to look at Toga at the same time. She came running at their direction, her expression angry.


"Step back!"

One of the police men placed a hand at their waist, the other stepped towards Toga. As Toga ran forward, the police man raised his hands, ready to stop her.

"Stop! Stay right where you are!"

Toga ignored the police man's words and dodged the police man's attempt at stopping her. With agile movements, she took steps around the police man and continued on forward.

Her gaze affixed onto the blood bag in her mother's hands.

"Give it to me! It's mine!"

Anxiousness filled Toga's heart.

Everything was falling apart, she knew it the instant the police were here and when they misunderstood with the blood bag. Her life, it was no longer going to be the same.

Everyone's thoughts and views on her is going to change. The criticisms of friends, close ones, and even her family.

After years of living with them, living how they wished her to. Now that was disappearing. They are going to view her as a monster.

Fear and disgust.

Toga could already feel it. She could also remember it clearly.

Those eyes.

The eyes of her parents staring at her in disgust and fear the first time she discovered her peculiar interests.


Toga snatched the blood bag from her mother's hands, accidentally pushing her back. She stumbled back, her left foot's heel getting stuck in a small pit in the floor.

She fell backwards and hit the floor hard.

"Ahh… you… ah…"

Her mother groaned in pain.

She twisted her foot as she fell and hurt her back as well.

"Honey!" Toga's father exclaimed in worry. He looked at her and crouched down beside her, carefully holding. He checked her, making sure she didn't hurt herself gravely. Then, once he made sure she was alright, he turned his head and glared at Toga.

Eyes full of animosity. No hint of love or kinship in that expression of his.

Toga looked at her mother in worry as well, but when she saw their looks full of malice, she knew she was wronged once more. No matter what she says, she will be the bad guy.

"What the hell is wrong with you?! To attack your own mother! You lunatic! MONSTER! You know that she is pregnant, and you still hurt her like this!"

"Cold-blooded monster!"

"Did you want to kill the baby?!"

"No…" Toga whimpered.

"Enough! A monster like you… a hideous beast like you is just a curse! We should have never had you!"




Wishes to have her disappeared.

Toga felt it all fall on her. The ire and hate from her parents. The shock and fear-filled eyes of the people surrounding them. And the wariness from the eyes of the police men as they approached her with hands on their waists.

Shaking her head, Toga simply ran.


"Follow her!"

The two police men followed behind Toga as she dashed through the crowd and pushed past various people. Tears fell down the poor teenage girl's eyes, her heart filled itself with pain.


Her heart called out, but she didn't know if she will ever see him ever again.