Looking Adorable

Huff! Huff!

Toga moved and ran as fast and far as her legs could carry her. Past all the pedestrians on the streets and dodging the low-class heroes trying to stop her.


The police sirens loudly followed behind her and more approached from in front.

Clutching the blood bag close to her body, Toga began to panic. The police and the heroes were blocking her exits and she had nowhere to go now.

Her eyes darted and her eyes turned to look at the mall in front of her. Large and spacious, not to mention it has other exits.

Gritting her teeth, Toga ran across the street, making various cars slam on their breaks.


The police cars stopped as well and the police men stepped out, following Toga on foot. They yelled after her and continued to tell her to stop.

The heroes followed suit, warning the citizens to leave the area and following behind Toga as well.

Toga ran aimlessly inside the mall, her eyes wandered, looking for a place to hide or escape to.

"Stop there!"

Suddenly, a figure appeared in front of her, a hero who's quirk is to create and manipulate vines. The range of creation is short and his range of control is also small.

Looking at the Vine Hero warily, Toga tried dodging him by running around him. Running to his right, Toga was caught by surprise when a green vine shot out of the Hero's hand.


The vine wrapped around Toga's arm and pulled her back. It made her fall backwards and hitting the ground harshly.

Wincing, Toga quickly began moving. She didn't pay attention to the pain, once she did, she would be detained.

"Finally… don't move, murderer."

The vine hero sighed in relief when he caught Toga and told her to stop moving. He shot more vines around Toga and controlled them to tie her up.

"I'm not a murderer!"

Toga cried.

The misunderstanding had grown even further and now heroes and citizens looked at her warily and with malice. Her carrying a blood bag also didn't serve to help her much either.

She didn't wish to be captured.

She wants to live her life.

Freely and happily.

Yet now… it is slipping away. Away from her reach.

"Let me go!!"

Toga yelled and wrestled against the vines that were wrapping around her body. It began from her feet and the vines made their way up.

Struggling, Toga noticed some items next to her. Various kitchen utensils, from spoons to forks. She looked around and rapidly found a kitchen knife. Glancing at the vine hero that was too preoccupied tying her legs with his vines, Toga made her move.

Extending her hand out to the knife, Toga didn't even care if the knife was still in it's plastic packaging. It's her only way out.

Toga grabbed at the knife's handle and yanked on it, dropping some other items in the process.

"Hey! Drop that!" The Vine hero lifted his head and saw what Toga was doing. He acted quick and shot a vine whip over to Toga's hand.

"Let me go!"

Toga grunted and swung the packaged knife at the vine whip. They clashed and the vine whip was cut slightly and hit to the side.

The kitchen knife on the other hand had its packaging damaged. Just enough for Toga to rip the rest of the plastic off the kitchen knife.

Biting on the plastic, Toga ripped the plastic off the kitchen knife, freeing it from its packaging.

"Drop the knife!"

The vine hero yelled and made a move, manipulating the same vine whip he had sent to Toga earlier once more. It shot out rapidly towards Toga's wrist and was about to wrap around it when it was chopped down.

"Leave me alone!"

Toga gnashed her teeth and waved the kitchen knife some more, cutting through the vines.


The vine hero yelled, creating more vines to stop Toga. Yet no matter how he created, they were too weak to stop the knife. It cut through the vines and the hero's eyes widened as it approached him.

"Put the knife down!" Yelling was all the hero could do before it finally appeared before him and cut at his hand.

Blood fell to the floor.

The smell of blood entered Toga's nose and she looked at it flow down to the floor.

"Ahhh! My hand!!"

Holding his hand in pain and panic, the vine hero paled as he looked at Toga. She stood up from the floor as the vines on her body loosened and fell to her sides. Her nose flared as she smelled the blood, her eyes focused on the blood and a hungry look appeared on her face.

"Stay… stay away from me!!"

The man yelled and he stepped back in fear.


Toga muttered, regaining some clarity as she turned to run away. She took a step… and then another… but the smell of blood was triggering her quirk.

Her panic. Her racing heart. The stress she's in.

They all made her wish to drink some blood. Turning her head, Toga looked at the vine hero's pale face and his bleeding hand. Her breathing quickened and her cheeks flushed red.

"How… how beautiful…"

Toga muttered.

She felt unwillingness in her thoughts, but she felt her desire rise and her quirk run amok.

Gritting her teeth, Toga turned head away and forced herself run away.

"I have to get away!"

Toga ran. She had to get away, there are still heroes and police men after her.

"Argh… that monster…"

The vine hero bandaged his hand and took a seat on the floor. He felt a little woozy from all the blood loss and soon another hero appeared.

"Hey! Over here!"

Yelling at the top of his lungs, the vine hero called out to the other heroes.

It only took a couple of seconds for more heroes to arrive. They ran to the vine hero's side and questioned him.

"Where did the killer go?"

"Did she do this to you?!"

"That damn killer has a weapon now…"

The vine hero nodded and pointed to where Toga ran to. "She went that way!"

Rapidly, without waiting for confirmation, the heroes ran after Toga.

"Huff… I need… to get away…"

Toga gasped for air as she ran.

She didn't dare look back.

'Sora… I'm sorry things turned out like this…'

Suddenly, a shadow passed by her and stopped in front of her. Another hero arrived, a heroine, a woman whose arms turn into whips thanks to her Quirk.

"Killer! Stop right there!"

The woman yelled loudly, her hands arms elongating and turning into whips. Twisting her body, she began attacking Toga with her whips.



Toga groaned in pain and the blood bag in her hand fell to the floor. Reaching out to pick it up, Toga's hand was attacked by the whip heroine.


Frowning, the whip heroine looked at Toga with disgust. Her eyes fell to the blood bag and she attacked it with her other whip hand.


Toga's eyes widened as she tried stopping the whip heroine from destroying the blood bag. Yet Toga is too slow to do anything about it, she watched in despair as the whip heroine destroyed the blood bag.

Blood splattered everywhere and landed all over Toga. Her feet, legs, clothes… and her face was covered in Sora's blood. The smell penetrated deep into her nostrils and her eyes turned misty.

"Sora…" Toga muttered, a drop of Sora's blood seeping into her mouth.

The smell of blood and her anger, stress and sadness all began to mix.

In a feeling of desperation, Toga brandished the kitchen knife and rushed at the whip heroine.

"How could you!?"

"Tsk. What a crazy villain…"

The whip heroine frowned and began to sway left and right as she twisted her body. She flicked the whips at Toga, striking her everywhere.

Toga endured the pain as she slashed at the whip heroine. The kitchen knife flailed around in the air but none managed to hit the whips or the heroine herself.




'Is this a hero?'

Toga thought to herself, questioning what's happening. The heroine was hurting her, torturing her with the whips.

"You villain! Attacking a hero and attacking the civilians! Taking blood and killing people! You deserve to be put behind bars forever!"

Another hero arrived, a man with a screen protector lens on his chest. He pointed his finger at Toga, his face contorted into anger. His friend, the vine hero, bled a lot and was still pale and recovering.

It angered him how his friend could have been killed and he wasn't there to aid him. Now, he caught up to Toga and was here to aid the whip heroine.



Toga couldn't defend herself at all under the onslaught of the whip heroine's attacks. One of the whips had just hit her face and left a nasty red mark on it, leaving her eyes teary from the pain.

"Help me take her down! I'm keeping her in place!"


The projector hero extended his hands outward and yelled loudly.


The projector lens on his chest lit up and shot out a light that condensed into the form of a person. Another projector hero appeared from the light and moved mirroring the real projector hero.

"Stand down villain!"

The projector hero yelled as both he and his projection attacked Toga at the same time.


Both their hits connected on Toga, knocking her back and to the floor. She rolled for a bit before stopping and remaining motionless there.

"Ha! The villainess had it coming!"

The projector hero proclaimed as his projection self disappeared and the whip heroine stood next to him.

"Hmph… that pesky villainess is crazy. Carrying a bag of blood and going crazy because of it…"

"There are all types of villain out there."

"All nut jobs if you ask me."

The whip heroine transformed her whip hands back into her human hands. She shook them a bit and turned to look at the projector hero with an urging look on her face.

"Go and restrain her."

"… I can't. I don't have anything to do so."


The whip heroine scoffed as she walked over to Toga and turned one of her hands into whips once more. This time to wrap around Toga and restrain her rather than for pain.

She glared at the projector hero and bent down next to Toga, her whip hand in her normal hand.

"This job is too much…" The whip heroine groaned in displeasure.

Grabbing Toga by her hair, she lifted her up fiercely and looked her in the face before freezing in shock. Glaring eyes stared right at her and discomfort grew in her belly.


The whip heroine paled and looked at Toga in horror before looking down at her stomach. A kitchen knife is lodged in there, Toga's hand held it's handle.

"You're a terrible hero…" Toga whispered to the villain, a heavy frown on her face. "Sora is way better than you."

Twisting the knife, Toga pulled it roughly, causing the whip heroine to bleed profusely.


Toga stood up and kicked the whip heroine over. The sound alerting the projector hero and making him look over at her.

"What the-"

The projector hero looked at Toga in shock and at the whip heroine in worry. Gritting his teeth, he summoned his Projection self and attacked.

Ta ta ta!

More heroes ran through the corridors and arrived at where Toga is. Arriving, they found the whip heroine on the floor and bleeding out. A couple of feet away from her is Toga licking her blood coated kitchen knife with smiling eyes as she looks over at the projector hero.

All the heroes stood in place in shock as to what they were seeing.

The projector hero has various cuts all over his body, blood seeped out of every inch of his body. His face pale and his breathing is labored.

"You look adorable… but not as cute as my Sora," Toga spoke as she licked the kitchen knife clean.